How to Conquer Emotional Eating by Tom Morr - HTML preview

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What’s The Key To Breaking The Sequence?

Binge eaters who feel guilty after an eating session will often wake up with a new commitment toward diet and a life-changing attitude. The problem is, dieting does not work. Eating needs to be unique to an individual.

  • Eliminate negative thoughts.

One of the surest ways to sabotage any weight loss goal is believing you will fail before you even start. If you've thought before, "What's the use? I'll just gain it all back anyway," stop right there.

  • Know what your body needs.

Effective weight loss or muscle gain begins with feeding your body the right kind of foods. Even doing exercise will not produce results if your eating the wrong foods.

  • Know the type of diet your body can handle.

Many diets require you to cut your calories to extreme levels. This is very unhealthy and hard on your body. When your body is in starvation mode. You feel fatigued, sluggish all day long and not to mention hungry. It's almost impossible to stay motivated on one of these diets.

I’ve found that the only guide to describe this process of how to lose weight accurately is Isabel De Los Rios, eBook The Diet Solution. In it, she explains how our bodies fall into one of three specific metabolism types.

And how it's not by doing some crazy diet but by eating the specific foods according to your metabolism type is the key to losing weight.

In fact, it was interesting to learn. That one particular metabolism type will actually gain weight by reducing calories from their diet.


Feeling Disgust Or Hatred With Your Body

Do you constantly pay attention to the things you feel are wrong with your body? There is a reason why women find it, especially difficult to control their eating triggers, which is their inability to accept their body in spite of harboring several absurd body ideals.


  • Eliminate negative thinking, focus on things you excel at.

What you focus on grows, so if you dwell on negative thoughts this will only start the cycle of looking for food as a comfort.