How to Create Your Future by Ilya Alexi - HTML preview

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Con Artistry

You can still dislike a person and fool them about your feelings towards them. The con artist does this all the time. He does it by maintaining a conversation with the victim that prevents the victim from listening to warnings from his subconscious. In this way, the con artist prevents the victim from responding to his "hunches".

Think of your hunches as impressions from your subconscious, warning you about people and situations. When the con artist leaves he takes his aura with him, the victim loses contact with him and does not smarten up even though his natural feelings are telling him to.

The victim’s mind, in addition, is left with swirling thoughts of the false visual and auditory impressions it received from the con artist and is now shut tightly against all logic concerning the matter. His imagination builds up the crook as a demigod.

The con artist, to summarize, concealed his true opinion of the victim through a running commentary of words and an endless barrage of wit and clever flattery.

Aside from the darker aspects of this “art”, the con artist’s strategy requires an extraordinary amount of quick, natural wit. Any error on his part will cause the whole thing to be exposed, or at least arouse too much suspicion for the con artist to overcome. This strategy is hardly worth the risk involved.

The Proper Way to Ignore Fools

With the Magnetic Mind, you have nothing to fear from other people, and no need to conceal anything from them. If the other person is in a bad mood and dislikes you for whatever reason, even after you have tried to win them over, stop wasting your time.

An astounding number of people respond to the Magnetic Mind. Ignore the small amount that either can’t be or are too difficult to be influenced. But don’t waste your energy angering them so you have to avoid them in the future. Don’t waste your mental power regularly in situations like that.

If you are ever ignored after attempting to use the Magnetic Mind, when you see the person in the future ignore them as you would a piece of debris in the street.

Don’t drain yourself of mental vitality as you approach him and end up regretting the encounter for the rest of the day. These types of people are hopeless. They antagonize others and receive their negative thoughts in return. If you adopt a bitter attitude towards him, it will subconsciously creep into your dealings with others, and you will lose your magnetism with them.

The Magnetic Mind and Self-Consciousness

The Magnetic Mind destroys self-consciousness. You are self-conscious when you doubt your ability to please or control others. You are not self-conscious when you are alone with a pet that you don’t worry about pleasing.

When self-conscious, you not only waste your mind power in needless worry about your ability to please others, but you also can’t put your best foot forward with them. There are understanding people who can still like you if you are self-conscious once they know you well, but if you associate with them only now and then, they could misinterpret your self-consciousness and regard you as selfish and arrogant.