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The Magnetic Mind and Nervousness

The Magnetic Mind will also bring you another important blessing. It relieves you of the tension of trying to give yourself courage, confidence, and other positive traits.

Adopting any new trait builds up tension, especially if it is based upon nothing specific. This is the reason so many people read self-help books, listen to self-help audio, and never achieve any real improvement. You cannot acquire confidence in being charming, for example, merely by assuming a confident manner.

Confidence is the end product of a mastered skill. Blind confidence is of little value because sooner or later you are jolted out of it by failure in performance. The same is true of courage and other positive mental attitudes. It is no different with negative mental


traits like general lack of confidence or courage. These evolve from the failures that abound when you try to learn a new skill.

Never assume hastily that you cannot do something right just because you did it wrong before. But neither should you assume a “can do it” attitude about any skill unless you can do it right.

Hamilton Miller is the Author of Elite Social Control: The Brutal Science of Mind

Manipulation Revealed Learn more here...

15 Reasons to Learn Astral Projection

By Abhishek Agarwal, Creator of Astral Project Now

People often wonder as to what possible benefits one can get through Astral Projection or Out-of-body-experiences. Let us look at some of them:

1. Fly and have fun!

In the Astral world even the sky is NOT the limit. You can fly way beyond the blue skies. Or glide through the air or float like a balloon. Want to have a bird's eye view of our city? No problem! Or maybe jump off mountains and somersault in mid-air! Imagine being able to glide over the ocean like a seagull, or dive inside and swim like a fish!

If you want you can even propel out into the infinite space and explore the planets, heavenly bodies and other distant galaxies. We can visit any city on this planet and other planets as well. We can go and check out friends in another corner of the world!

2. Confirmed belief in life after death

A fully conscious Astral Projection gives us the ability to obtain firsthand knowledge that we can exist outside our bodies. It provides us irrefutable personal evidence that we are immortal.

If it is possible for our consciousness to exist outside our body, then it is also possible that our consciousness survives physical death. This belief removes fear of death completely. It reassures us that there is life after death and you absolutely know that you continue after kicking the bucket!

3. Get glimpses of your past life and know your purpose of existence As we experience more and more Projections, we start getting glimpses of our past lives.

These memories aid in finding our purpose of existence.

The information gained can help us know ourselves better. We can overcome certain traumas and cure certain illnesses. We get a sense of universalism, the feeling of which is ecstatic.

We expand self-awareness, increase our level of maturity, and also accelerate our spiritual evolution.