How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Follow your feelings... always

Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt a bad vibe in the atmosphere? This phenomenon is your emotions giving you guidance that is warning you of impending unwanted experiences.

Every emotion you feel is a response to something you're doing or thinking. When you feel positive emotions, that is a signal that whatever you're giving your attention to will bring you more joy.

The opposite is also true. When you feel negative emotion, this is a signal that whatever it is you're giving your attention to, is not in alignment with the things that you want.

Think of your emotions like a traffic signal. You are constantly being given guidance as to whether you should move towards something, or move further away from it.
When you see a red light (when you
experience negative emotion) you should
stop and immediately change whatever it
is you're giving your attention to.

And when you see a green light (when you
feel positive emotion)... you should move
towards it because it's a sign that more
joy is on the way!

Some people also call this positive good


feeling inside... inspiration. When
something feels so right to you, you will experience an inner knowing that whatever it is you're pondering is the right action for you to take. And so you should go with that feeling and take action. I refer to this as inspired (in-spirit) action.

By following these signals, you are able to move through life effortlessly and joyously.