How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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The reason why most people fail to attract what they want

Over my years of observing and coaching people to use the Law of Attraction, I've noticed that there are primarily three things that people do that causes them to attract the opposite of what they want.

Let's start by diving into each of these three things to ensure you no longer make these mistakes...


1) Expect it not to work. Those who expect good experiences, enjoy good experiences. Your expectation about something happening or not is very powerful.

When you expect hot running water, you experience it.
When you expect an abundance of food at your super market, you experience it. When you expect a constant flow of electricity, you experience it.

You have many beliefs and many expectations that really do serve you well. We all expect food, water, electricity, transport etc. And so we experience it.

You also have expectations and beliefs that don't serve you well.
When you doubt money to flow to you effortlessly, that is your experience. When you doubt that you can heal your body through thought, that is your experience.
When you doubt miracles to show up frequently, that is your experience.

And so, because your beliefs and expectations around a subject are so strong, you experience whatever you believe to be so.

This is why it's recommended that you start off manifesting something simple like a cup of coffee or a car parking space. The cup of coffee or parking space is something you have little resistance about happening and so it's a good place to start.

We'll talk more about your beliefs and how you can restructure them so you're no longer held back by them later on in this report.

2) Don't generate enough good feeling emotion. In order to translate a thought in your mind into the physical equivalent, you're going to need to mix emotion with the thought in order for that thought to magnetize and ultimately become tangible.

Without mixing a thought with emotion, the thought will never have the power to materialize.



Your sub-conscious mind can be likened to a radio station transmitter. It picks up and sends out signals which are received by the universe. The thoughts that are mixed with emotion (whether it be positive or negative emotion) are then sent to your subconscious mind where it transmits those thoughts to the universe in a vibration.
Those thoughts that are mixed with lot's of emotion have much greater power than those thoughts that are sent with little or no emotion.

By simply noticing that you are in a bad mood and noticing that you are sending out negative emotions, it gives you the clarity and knowledge that in that moment you're going to be creating something unwanted.

The more you observe these moments of negative emotion, the more conscious you will become and so it gives you the opportunity to change what you're giving your attention to and begin to feel better emotions.

Your emotions are a powerful indicator continuously guiding you through your life experience. Use the negative emotions as a sign to switch what you're giving your attention to.

3) Are unable to let go. You've probably heard that in order to manifest things that you want, you first need to “let go” and “allow”. If you've heard that before but haven't had any real explanation to go with it, then you're probably going to be left a little confused.

Allow me to enlighten you. We create using the Law of Attraction with two different times periods... you Ask and then Allow.

You're in the asking mode when you're either observing things that you don't want, when you come up with a new thought about something you desire or when you've been through an experience that was great and you want more of it.

In these times of asking, you're not in the allowing mode because when you ask, you give out a vibration that is “I don't have this thing that I want”. When in the asking mode, that vibration is perfectly fine because that's the way it's meant to be!

After you've asked, if you stay in the asking mode, you're not going to get what you want. This is where most people get stuck. Most people keep asking and asking and asking and asking for what they want.

The more times you ask for the same thing, the further away you're going to be from having or experiencing it because the message you keep sending out is “I don't have this” and so the Law of Attraction aligns up what you send out.

After we've asked for what we want, it is then our job to get into the allowing mode as soon as possible. The more time we spend allowing, the quicker and more manifestations will show up.

So, what is allowing? Allowing is feeling good about anything that makes you feel good. Allowing is thinking about your desire as if it's already here. Allowing is taking your attention away from not having what you want.