How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Doing it for manifestation

This one chapter could make or break this “Law of Attraction stuff” for you once and for good, so I hope you're ready to receive one of the best lessons I've ever learned about the Law of Attraction.

If you truly understand this and really get it, then I am confident that you will turn yourself into a very powerful conscious creator who designs their life blissfully and effortlessly... just the way it was meant to be.

If you spend time visualizing your desires in order for them to manifest, almost always - they will NEVER materialize.

Why? The universe responds your vibration. Not your thoughts.
When you visualize the car, the home or more money and have the intention of only doing it because you want it to manifest it… it will almost never happen.

Think of it like this - when you visualize and get into the feeling place of your desire, but the only reason you’re doing it is because you want it to materialize, you’re sending out two different vibrations.

The one vibration is the positive good vibration that is feeling good about the car, home or more money. This is a positive and wonderful vibration to send out because it means you're moving closer to what you want.

The other vibration that is being sent is similar to “I don’t have what I want, so I’ll visualize to get it”.


Can you see how these two vibrations cancel each other out?

That second vibration completely cancels out all of your work! It is your continuous attention to lack and non-expectation that undoes your hard work. When you want more money desperately and you do your meditations, visualizations and create your vision boards all for the purpose of attaining more money – almost always, the manifestation will never occur.

If you can truly grasp this, then you will transform yourself into a manifestation butterfly.