The best process you can possibly do is the one that feel most comfortable to you.
I've observed many people not attracting what they want because they are doing the wrong processes for them. The Law of Attraction responds to your vibration which is primarily influenced by your feelings.
If you setup a vision board, but you don't really like making vision boards or if finding pictures in magazines and from the Internet isn't the thing you enjoy most, then making a vision board is the WRONG process for you.
Maybe you prefer to write? Maybe doing an appreciation journal each morning would be more beneficial and would help you raise your vibration more than a vision board ever could.
Law of Attraction processes are only tools that can help you get into alignment with your desires. They should not be seen as processes that if you do them every day for X amount of days then you'll manifest anything you want.
It doesn't work like that.You manifest because of what your vibration is currently sending out.