How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Raising your vibration

This is where you should start experiencing the most joy you can ever possibly have. Raising your vibration means experiencing as much joy as you can.

As I mentioned earlier, every emotion you experience can be categorized under two headings. Either Good or Bad. All of those emotions that you consider to be good (Love, Joy, Happiness, Contentment, Etc.) are signs that you're in alignment with your desires. Your job is to maintain those feelings and to constantly feel better.

There are quite literally dozens and dozens of different ways you can raise your vibration. I've listed some of the most common “vibration raisers” below.

Meditation – When you meditate, you release your thoughts and move into a far more relaxed state. This process is very helpful because whenever you release thoughts, you're no longer resisting your desires. As you no longer resist your desires, your vibration begins to raise.

Visualization – Giving yourself a few minutes of quiet time where you can visualize already having your desires materialized is invaluable. I recommend this practice highly and have experienced excellent results.

Affirmations – Affirmations can be very powerful once used over long periods of time. Stating positive, present tense statements to yourself on a regular basis will help you to believe the affirmations as true. *Recommended Resource: You Can Heal Your Life – The Movie.

Vision Board – Creating and observing your own vision board is a great way to remind yourself of your desires and the feelings you have for them. To create a vision board, simply collect some images about your desires that make you feel good from the Internet or magazines and create a collage.

Appreciation Journal – This is a journal that you complete once per day. List all of the things that you are appreciative for on the day. Once you've completed a list, I recommend going over each item on your list and spending a few seconds thinking about the feelings as to why you appreciate it so much.

Please remember, that these processes are just that – processes. If you do them, there is no guarantee anything will ever materialize. The guarantee of materialization can only occur when you are in true alignment with your desires.

Some other vibration raisers you may like to try are; Walking, Reading, Swimming, Painting, Playing with your pet, Dinner with friends, Listing your desires, Music.

Of course these should only be done if they feel good to you. I'm sure you can come up with dozens more things that you enjoy doing that do raise your vibration and maintain your positive vibrations.

These processes can be useful in helping you to become aligned with your desires, but should not be seen as if you complete them then you will will manifest your desires. The feelings you expel on a consistent basis is what will ultimately determine what you attract into your life experience, not the processes.