How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Are you selfish enough?

Are you selfish enough to feel good and to maintain a high vibration regardless of what is happening in the outside world?


Are you selfish enough to switch the television off when watching a movie that makes you feel fearful, angry, sad, and any other negative emotions?


Are you prepared to cut off a conversation with a loved one or friend when they start telling you about their problems in life?

Are you ready to make the decision that feeling good is the most important thing to you?
If you're not prepared to make this decision, then you must accept that whenever you give your attention to something that is unwanted, you will attract more of it into your life.

We are conditioned to believe that being selfish is a bad thing. But allow me to put this into perspective...

You cannot help someone who is vibrating at a lower vibrational level. Only these people can bring themselves out of a negative vibration. You cannot change someone's vibration, you only have control over your own.

With that said, do you feel you'd be of more help to someone if you become an example for them, and show them a different way of existing? Or do you feel that by lowering your own vibration and giving your attention to their problems, you are helping them?

Personally I prefer to teach by example. I'm selfish enough to only do activities that bring me more joy – not less. If you're serious about creating a life deliberately, then you're going to have to make the decision that nothing is more important to you than that you feel good.