How to Manifest Mini - Miracles by Gary Evans - HTML preview

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Consistency is the key

Even if you become a master of raising your vibration and getting into alignment with what it is you are wanting, nothing will materialize unless you can consistently maintain those high vibrations.

The Law of Attraction will not match you up instantly with every thought you think... instead there is a buffer of time which allows you to work out what it is that you really want in detail.

Consistency is the key to your success.

One of my first ever deliberate manifestations materialized after I did a 20 minute meditation and visualization session every day for one month. My desire at the time was to find a new income source, and from just a few minutes every day, I created exactly what I wanted.

The consistent effort of seeing what I wanted as if it was already here, helped me to generate some powerful feeling emotions which ultimately aligned me with my desire and so it materialized.

Get consistent! - Do whatever it takes for you to feel good consistently every day.