MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 5 The 1 Hour Business

Article writing and promotion will help you rank high in the search engines because you are building backlinks to your website. Searchers love articles because they're information, not advertising.

4. The easiest way to learn how to write ads, articles, and any other marketing materials is to study good ads, articles, and other marketing materials.

Although this sounds simplistic, the truth is, no one can make you a copywriter but you.

Ask yourself what would make you want to buy a product and then write about that. Don't tell others your life story. Find a problem and then find a product that provides a solution to that problem.

If you don't feel comfortable writing your own ads, etc. then rewrite the ads that come with the program if any are available. Don't use them exactly as they are; the ads may have been overused. Overused ads aren't effective in getting the sale.

5. If you want to have fun and make money too, why not try Squidoo?

That's the topic of our next lesson.

Step 4 – Marketing Your Business With Squidoo

(Please Note: This step is optional. You don't have to do this step if you don't want to. However, it's a great way to make some extra money and market any programs you may be a part of. Also, this is the best way to create a quick income to help pay bills or finance your business while you are getting started.)