MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 5 The 1 Hour Business

If Squidoo had been around when I first started my business, this is all I would do. Making lenses is easy, it's fun, and it's a chance for you to

“talk about” anything that might be on your mind. There are Squidoo lenses on every topic you might imagine, and it's a great way to share resources, as well as make money.

Squidoo is the brain child of Internet legend Seth Godin. A Squidoo lens is a one page website that's part of the overall Squidoo network. A lens is a one page resource site on one specific topic.

You may add articles, product reviews, RSS feeds, videos, moneymaking modules like Amazon, Ebay, and other types of moneymakers. The revenue is split between the lensmasters and Squidoo.

The more lenses you build, the more money you can make. You also make money from any programs you market on Squidoo, and marketing your own products or the products of others is highly encouraged.

Here are some tips to help you make the most money from Squidoo.

Tip: For those who may be confused by the terminology, here is a quick breakdown on RSS:

RSS Feeds – An RSS feed is a piece of search engine friendly code that allows you to display dynamic content. Dynamic content is content that changes automatically. An example of an RSS feed is an RSS feed from an article directory or blog. This allows you to add dynamic content to your site that changes automatically without you having to write anything.