MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 6 Internet Marketing for FREE

Make sure you lurk for awhile before posting, then contribute. Don't post advertising unless it's allowed. Otherwise, you'll either get banned from the boards, and worse, you'll make a name for yourself you'll never get rid of.

I know one forum owner who has banned entire ISPs from his board because of his board being spammed. Anyone living in India, Malaysia, Singapore, or anywhere in the Pacific Rim can't use this forum because a few bad apples decided to spam this forum.

The truth is, you can get a lot more effective results from posting on forums simply by following the guidelines for each forum. Make your content valuable and helpful to others, and you will get better results.

e. Blog Posting.

This has become one of my favorite activities online. I don't get to do it as much as I would like to, but it has been very helpful in helping me build my reputation as well as a following of loyal readers and customers.

A blog is like an online diary. You can use for posts that are too short to be articles. I use mine to write marketing tips, resources I have read about, and to give my free ebooks and reports away. I also offer my readers free tutorials, as well as free marketing software and online tools. Again, remember to include information.

I use Wordpress self hosted, which has tons of plug ins to help you market your business. You can visit my blog here:

Internet Marketing for Free http : / /www.askj i nger . com