MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 6 Internet Marketing for FREE

If you don't want to set up your own blog using Wordpress, then I would recommend you sign up for a site like Blogger. You can get a free blog at Blogger – http : / /www.blogger . com

However, if I were using a third party hosted blog, I would use Amplify.

The reason is that this solution allows you to incorporate microblogging, as well as social marketing into your marketing. You can sign up here: Amplify - http: / /www.ampl i f y . com

You can visit my Amplify blog here:

http : / / j i n g e r j a r r e t t . ampl i f y . c om

f. Free Ebooks and Reports.

This technique is already covered in the section on list building. This technique is much easier than you think.

You can create ebooks from articles you've written, or you can find affiliate programs that offer articles. Combine them into a free report and give it away. You can easily create PDFs using

Open Office: http : / /www.openoff i c e .o r g

I try to create a new report or ebook about every few months. I submit them to the major ebook directories. You can find ebook directories by doing a search in the search engines under the search term "Ebook Directories". I've also listed several I recommend later in this ebook.