MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 6 Internet Marketing for FREE

g. Social Marketing.

So you think you can make big money online without meeting people? Or doing nothing?

I always laugh when I hear that one.

Whether you are sending out an ezine or articles, posting on forums, or any other method I have already mentioned, you are building a relationship with someone.

Offline it's a little easier to get away with not building a relationship with your customers. After all, you have a physical address, and if your customers are unhappy, they can just show up on your doorstep.

Not so online. If you don't take the time to build a relationship with others online, they won't trust you enough to buy from you. It's one of the reasons that SPAM is so ineffective. (Another reason SPAM is so ineffective is because it's so untargeted).


Let me pause here a moment and explain to you what SPAM really is.

I've actually had people who subscribed to my list write me and complain because I was sending them email. (If you don't want email from me, then don't subscribe).

SPAM is unsolicited commercial email. It is email that you didn't request.

Somehow your email address has been indexed by some less than reputable list builders out there, and they are sending you email. One way to spot these people is if they request that you send an email to be removed from their lists. Reputable companies will use autoresponders, 55