MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 5 The 1 Hour Business

There are two companies I know of that will allow you to do this. The one you choose will be based on personal preference. They are: Dot Easy - http: / / v i r a l u r l . c om/ getthis/doteasy

This site allows you to buy a domain for only $25 a year. You get free bannerless web hosting for free. This will work perfectly for what we are doing because you only have to upload your website once you have edited it. (This website is included, absolutely free, when you sign up under me.)

Yola - http: / / v i r a l u r l . c om/ getthis/yola

This site is comparable to Dot Easy, but you can get started for free. It also includes a free website builder, which is a definite advantage if you don't know how to build a website, or you don't want to use the website I'm offering.

If you want an all in one solution, then the way to do this is to sign up for This site will allow you to point your domain at whatever opportunity you are promoting. (For more information on this, read my ebook, “The 1 Hour Business.” You can get a seven day free trial to here:

http : / / v i r a l u r l . c om/ getthis/websitews

The rest will involve your time. Once you get the system in place, you will only need to market your business, and you can do this in less than one hour per day.