MLM Cash by Jinger Jarrett - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 5 The 1 Hour Business

The next step is to sign up for the Free and Powerful System. This system is completely free. This system will allow you to sell multiple programs and generate multiple streams of income.)

(If you are already a member of another MLM company, then I would skip this step. It's up to you. This will allow you to create additional streams of income).

Sign up here:

http: / / v i r a l u r l . c om/ getthis/freeandpowerful

(If you are reading the book version of this, make sure you copy the URL

exactly. You must have a sponsor to sign up. It's not possible to sign up using the main domain, and I know this because I tried.) Write down all of your account information so that if you need it later, you will have easy access to it.

Tip: When creating your domain name, stay somewhat generic. I would use my name. For example: jingerjarrett. com. The reason is that if I decide I don't like my site, or I want to promote something different, it's easy to change.

Keep it simple. Make your domain name easy to remember. Names do rank well in the search engines. If you don't believe me, look at the top 10 high traffic sites on the Internet: Yahoo, Google, MSN, Windows Live, Facebook, MySpace, You Tube.... They're all names.

Now, before you set up your website, you will need to invest in an autoresponder system. I use the autoresponder system that's included in Ultimate Marketing Center, so I can't really recommend anything else.