Membership to the Bank by Gigi - HTML preview

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How It Works

Your visitor enters in their information via your membership site's main page (or

individual squeeze page) and confirms their request to be added to your newsletter.

You could consider offering an incentive such as providing a discount code sent via

email immediately after each subscriber confirms their request to join your list.

Once a visitor subscribes to your newsletter, your autoresponder kicks in and emails

your prospect a welcome email that provides more information about your membership

site, as well as the incentive offer that you advertise on your squeeze page (example: Membership To The Bank | Page : 44



membership coupon, special bonus, download etc)

Your autoresponder continues to email your subscriber on pre-set dates, according to the system you have set up within your autoresponder account. You are in full control of how often you email your subscribers, and can continue to add new content into your autoresponder system as often as you like!

Example: You create 5 emails that are scheduled to be delivered accordingly:

1st Email: instantly sent to your subscriber thanking them for subscribing to your list and provides the offer that you are featuring on your squeeze page or landing page

(such as your coupon, download product, etc).

2nd Email: Scheduled to sent out on the third day after your subscriber has confirmed their request, and includes an email offering free content, additional articles or another report.

You should also remind subscribers who have failed to register for a paid account, that their coupon code is set to expire if they fail to use it within a specified time frame.

3rd Email: Scheduled to go out on the 7th day of the sequence, and once again

reminds your prospect how they will benefit as a paid member of your site.

You could offer additional free resources, including an overview sheet of the features Membership To The Bank | Page : 45



and benefits associated with your subscription site. You could also consider offering a discount access coupon on a higher level package.

4th Email: Scheduled to go out on the 10th day.. and so on.

The balance that you use when mixing up free content with promotional based material

is entirely up to you, however the more value you give to your list, the easier and faster it will be to develop a relationship with your subscribers, so that they trust your

recommendations and look forward to receiving future broadcasts. It will also help

minimize subscribers from opting out of receiving your emails.

It's up to you to keep a pulse on your subscriber base, and determine what works best, how frequently you contact them, and whether they respond well to the products you

are promoting.

Just don't be afraid to experiment and test out new ideas and innovative ways to

consistently grow and maintain your subscriber base.