Niche Ninja Report by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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8. Creating Content

All of these marketing and promotion techniques will require that you “create content”. You will also need content for your site.

Research and Google will be necessary friends, but how else can you get content?

There are many ways, but one is called “Private Label Rights” content. People write articles, write reports and create audio and video on different topics for the sole purpose of giving it away and selling it for others to use.

You get your PLR on your topic and “repurpose” it. In this technique, you are rewriting instead of starting from scratch. It can save you a ton of time.

Two free services (they have paid upgrades) that I use are;


Mike Steup’s Free Articles Daily




SEO Linkvine

These will get you started. Also you can go to Google Alerts and set yourself up to be “alerted” when content in your niche gets posted on the Internet. This is a great FREE way to get information about your niche.

Keep in mind, any post can become a script for a video and a few articles can become a report, etc… Save everything in an www.InternetMoneyMap.comorganized fashion and your notes will become your content.Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved This is also another great reason to take a hard look at Market Samurai. Market Samurai can help you create content FAST including articles, sales pages and more.

Take it for a test drive here; Market Samurai