Niche Ninja Report by Mark Aylward - HTML preview

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7. Initial Promotion And Marketing

Let me start this chapter off with a decent list of things you can do to promote your niche site. Keep in mind that these are all topics unto themselves, but, once again, you can Google all of them and learn more and they are all fairly simple after you practice them for a while.

In no particular order, forums, article marketing, video marketing, blogging, Web 2.0 sites, social bookmarking, RSS syndication (feeds), social networks and other “off page” SEO.

Essentially what these things all have in common is that they are other “sites” on the Internet where you can place content of yours with links pointing back to your niche site.

These other sites have massive audiences and the people who go there looking for information on your niche will see your content and potentially click your link and land back on your niche site.

There are many sites in each category but here is a short list to


•get you started;

Forums - Google “Your Niche + Forum”. Register on 3 or 4, ask and answer questions with links in your signature Article Marketing – Ezine Articles. Go here and register
and view their tutorials to publish articles on your topic with links back to your niche site.

Video Marketing – Go to YouTube and register. Create videos on your topic and link them back to your site. You may choose to do this later but it’s not that complicated now days.

Blogging – Same as forums, Google “Your Niche + Blogs”
and comment on posts leaving your link in the comments
Web 2.0 sites – Hubpages and Squidoo. Sign up and
create your own “sites” on your niche with links back to
your site. Each of these sites have solid tutorials-very
• Social Bookmarking – Go to Onlywire and do this in a “one
stop shopping” kind of way while learning.
RSS – Google it and learn. There is a TON of data out
Social Networks – Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. There
are many others, but dive in and learn these.

This is a crash course in Internet marketing techniques and the classroom is the Internet. If you can do even two or three of these effectively, you will drive traffic to your niche site and make money.

None of these are difficult, but you will have a learning curve. This is where the rubber meets the road and most people either give up here or they start doing these things and give up way too early and fail

Once you set up your sites properly and start doing these things, every day you establish more authority, more credibility and move closer to your goal of quitting your day job!

Let’s face it, you can’t quit your 40-hour a week day job and expect to replace your income with 10 hours of work. BUT, once you do the work and attain these skills, the job gets easier and a lot of these things will run on autopilot