Take the need a day off quiz
Professor Jack Raglin developed this questionnaire to prevent overtraining Take this test to prevent crossing the fine line between training and overtraining
Take this quiz once a week, a score of 40 or more means you need to rest and run less. A
score of around 15 means that you are balancing your training and resting well.
A score in the middle somewhere is nothing to get worried about but keep an eye on things. If your score suddenly skyrockets, you need a break.
Q.1 how is your mood today?
Very, very good (-2 points)
Very good (-1 point)
Good (0 points)
Average (1 point)
Bad (3 points)
Very bad (5 points)
Very very bad (7 points)
Q.2 How many hours did you sleep last night?
More than nine (-1 point)
Eight or nine (0 points)
Seven (1 point)
Five to six (3 points)
Less than five (5 points)
Q.3 Last night I slept?
Same as normal (0 points)
One hour more than normal (1 point)
Two or more hours more than normal (3 points)
One hour less than normal (1 point)
Two hours less than normal (3 points)
Three or more hours less than normal (5 points)
Q.4 how do your muscles feel?
Very, very good (-3 points)
Very good (-1 point)
Good (0 points)
Tender but not sore (1 point)
Sore (3 points)
Very sore (5 points)
Very, very sore (7 points)
Q.5 Do your legs feel heavy?
No (0 points)
A little (1 point)
Somewhat (3 points)
Very (7 points)
Q.6 Have you been sick in the last week?
Yes (5 points)
No (0 points)
Q.7 how would you rate yesterdays workout?
Very, very easy (-3 points)
Very easy (-1 point)
Easy (0 points)
Average (1 point)
Hard (3 points)
Very hard (5 points)
Very, very hard (7 points)