Rapid Review Riches by Chris Mollo - HTML preview

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Step 1 – Your Blog

First and foremost, you will need to set up your blog. This will require you to have web hosting and a domain. If you don’t want to go that route, you can use a free blog from Blogger. However, let me caution you – Blogger has a habit of removing review blogs without warning. As well, self-hosted Wordpress blogs tend to rank much faster and better in Google and the other top search engines like Yahoo and Bing.

It’s not expensive, or complicated, to set up a self-hosted Wordpress blog. I’m not going to go over the particulars of setting up website hosting and a blog. That’s not what this report is about. However, I will tell you that you can learn exactly how to do it for free at my Niche Blog Riches membership site. There are 30+ video tutorials there and a load of free ebooks and themes for your benefit. It’s free, so take advantage of it! You can join here anytime:


As for a theme, I use the default Wordpress theme with a few modifications. It’s called “Twenty Ten”, and it will be automatically installed with Wordpress. I remove the blog header image as I think it takes away from the content. You can choose to do so or you can put your own personalized image or logo there. I love the theme because it is highly customizable, it’s SEO optimized, and the posts are easy to read. Here is what my theme looks like:


As you can see, there is nothing complicated or confusing here. It’s simple, yet effective.

You might be asking yourself why it’s important to have a blog. It’s important because most article directories will not allow you to link directly to a Clickbank sales page. Therefore, it’s necessary to create what’s called a landing page. A landing page basically acts as an intermediary between the article directory and the sales page.

Also, having a blog gives you the opportunity to attract lots of organic traffic directly from the search engines to your reviews, and that traffic is targeted and very valuable.

One of the major problems that newbies have is what I call “information overload”. They are so eager to make money that they try and take in to much information instead of just finding one proven method and sticking with it.

In this report, I’m going to give you that simplified method which I think you’ll find extremely effective.


Step 2 – Choosing Products & Writing Reviews

This is another step that is simple and should be kept that way. The products that you review should be products that are found on the first or second page of your chosen niche in the Clickbank Marketplace.

The most popular products with the highest gravity are the best ones to review. These are usually the newest releases (launches), and these products are what the marketing community is usually talking about. Also, these products will be the easiest to rank for because hopefully there have not been thousands of reviews already written about them.

The key here is to find about the newest Clickbank product launches and write the reviews almost immediately. If you choose to review a Clickbank product that has been on the market for a year or more, your chances of getting any traffic or ranking your review will be slim to none. Therefore, you want to review new, popular products.

Here are several tips:


1. Buy the products you review.

The biggest mistake I see newbies (and experts alike) make is reviewing products that they don’t own. Whenever I read a review like this, I can instantly tell that the reviewer does not own the product.

So why should I pay attention to that kind of review? The answer is - I shouldn’t. And I probably won’t. Guess what? If I feel that way, so do most others.

Now, I know that as a newbie, the idea is to make money, not spend it. I get that. I do. However, I want you to understand something. And that is – You need to invest money to make money. It’s like that in any regular brick & mortar business, right? So why shouldn’t it be like that in an online business as well?

The reason why I buy all of those products I review is simple. It gives me lots of credibility. And credibility is what you’ll need if you are to convince a prospective buyer to purchase through your review blog.

Also, and I will go over this shortly, I like to include what I call “insider” videos with my reviews. These are screen capture videos where I actually go into the download page, or members area, of the product and show the customer what they will get if they purchase!
Talk about credibility…That is credibility times 1000!
It shows that not only do I own the product, but I love it enough to make a video about it and show others all of the benefits of owning it!

I know that a lot of what you read in this report will probably go against what you have heard a newbie should do. Taking a review template and filling in the blanks with information from a sales page is all well and good, but if you really want results you have to gain the prospective buyer’s trust, and the only way to do that is to reassure them that you own this product, and you love it!

2. Don’t review products you don’t like.

Let’s face it, you are in this to make money. Right? So why would you review a product that you don’t like? Most Internet Marketers think that you should review every single new Clickbank product that launches from now until the end of time. You can do that if you like, but you’ll only be creating a ton of work for yourself that won’t really give you the results you desire.

As I showed you earlier, I made more than $400 in less than 30 days from just 3 reviews. I bought 10 top Clickbank products, but I only chose to review 3. Why? Because 7 of them were crap and I didn’t like them. I’m not going to recommend a product to others that I think is crap.

I got my money back, instead, which is another headache you could have if you decided to review products that you don’t like and wouldn’t keep and use yourself. The number of commissions you make will be cut by more than half due to the amount of refunds.

Unfortunately, you’ll find that roughly 70% of the products in the Internet Marketing niche that are sold on Clickbank are not very good. So, you simply don’t review those.

I know that you’ve heard that in every review you need to list the negative points and things you didn’t like as well as what you liked. Well, I’m here to tell you that's a load of garbage!

If you buy a product, love it, and decide to recommend it to others, then there is no reason to start listing negative points about it. That will only serve to decrease the number of commissions you get, and it’s a bad idea that has been handed down for years in Internet Marketing. Besides, what you don’t like about a product, others may love.

Once you have confidence in a product, you only need to project positive energy and your enthusiasm about the product will be automatically felt by others. Much of the review game is psychological. And honesty is mandatory! You must always be honest about what a product does and what it does not do.

If you provide honest information about the product you will create a return buyer base. There will be those who consistently return to your blog to find out what products you like and to watch your “insider” videos.

However, recommend one bad product to those loyal readers, and you WILL lose them forever. They will never trust your judgement or take your advice again.

This all ties into not reviewing products that you don’t like. Marketers will tell you that if people see only positive reviews on your blog they will not return. Again, that’s not true.

Instead, they will see your blog as a place that only reviews quality products, and they will know that if you have reviewed the product in the first place, it must be good, or else you wouldn’t post it on your blog in the first place.

The “Insider” Video

You have heard me mention these “insider” videos several times already. An insider video is a screen capture video that goes inside the product. In other words, I take the viewer inside the download area and show them what happens after they purchase, what they will receive, and how it will help them to solve their problems or help them to make money online.

Making these videos is not difficult. I use a free screen capture video software called CamStudio to do this.

Again, I’m not going to go into all of the technical aspects of this because that is not what this report is about. However, you can learn all about how to do it for free and you can also get the software for free by downloading my Rapid Report Riches course. It’s completely free, and you can get it by visiting:


I include these videos in the review that I publish to my review blog. Also, this is a major selling point to include in my article resource box. I can entice people who read my article to click-through and watch the video this way. This is how I achieve a 25%-30% CTR (click through rate) on most of my articles.
Here is an example of an “insider” video:


Your Blog Review

Your blog review should be roughly 700-1000 words. It should also include your insider video. I usually set up the video directly above the post, so it’s the first thing people see when they click-through from an article.

I’m not going to tell you how to write your review, but I will give you an insight as to how I write my own.


I do not write generic “positive/negative” reviews. Instead, I describe the product in detail, what I found inside, the price of the product, and how it has helped me.

You will find that your readers would much rather have a factual review over an opinionated one. Again, since you are only reviewing products that you love, there is no reason to go into what you liked and did not like. Only reveal what you found, whether or not it impressed you, and how you put it to use to make money.

So, each blog review usually contains a video and a 700-1000 written review. Here is an example of a review that I wrote to promote a RapBank product:




RapBank products are great to review as well because they pay instant commissions to your PayPal account!


Alright, let’s review real quick. By now, you should have:

1. Set up your Worpdress blog.
2. Found a product to review, purchased it, and gave it a thorough going over.
3. Created your “insider” video.
4. Written a 700-1000 word review.
5. Published your video and written review as a single post on your blog.

Step 3 – Publishing Your Review to Squidoo For those of you not familiar with Squidoo, it is a content sharing site that allows you to create single web pages, called Lenses.

It’s great to publish your review to a Lens, because they tend to rank very well in the search engines, and can act as a conduit to bring traffic to both your blog and the sales page of the product you are promoting.

Publishing Squidoo Lenses is easy, and it’s actually quite fun. All you need to do here is to imitate your blog review. You simply publish the whole written review as well as your insider video to the Squidoo Lens. I think it’s easier if I just show you. You can see a review I published as a Lens here:


Later on in the report, I will explain how to get backlinks for your Lens. For right now, however, it’s important to know that on your Lens, you should have two links to the Clickbank sales page of the product you are promoting. These, of course, will be your affiliate links. For these links, I like to use the “Black Box” module or the “Arrow Link” module offered by Squidoo. I also usually slip one link into the bottom of the review text.

It’s also important that you add the RSS Feed Module to your Lens. Put in the RSS feed URL to your blog and this will give you backlinks and traffic to your blog from the Squidoo Lens.

So, you now have your review published to your blog and to Squidoo. Good going! You might actually start seeing commissions already!


Pinging Your Lens


As soon as your Lens is published, you will want to ping it to get the search engines to check it out and index it.

I use Ping-O-Matic to do this. It’s a free pinging service. Also, it’s important to include the RSS feed URL of your lens as well when you ping. There is no need to ping your blog review, as Wordpress does this for you automatically.