Rapid Review Riches by Chris Mollo - HTML preview

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Step 4 – Rewriting and Submitting Your Review to Article Directories

Alright folks, this is where the magic is going to start happening. You are going to get the bulk of your blog traffic from article directories. As a result, this is how most of your commissions will be made.

1. Rewriting Your Review


The first thing you need to do is get your review ready to be submitted to the directories. Your review article should be 400-500 words, no longer.

I’m not saying you need to completely rewrite the article, but you should definitely trim the article down. This way, you still have something to offer to get the reader to click through to a “detailed review” from your article resource box.

2. Your Article Resource Box


Let’s discuss your article resource box for a minute. This is where you are allowed to put links. For this system, you need to put two links in your article resource box. They are:


1. A link to your Squidoo Lens review.


2. A link to your blog review and “insider” video”.


These links are valuable backlinks and will not only bring traffic to your reviews from the directories, but will help your review rank well in the search engines.


Here is an example of how I set up my resource box:


Still not convinced? No problem! You can read a more in-depth [Commission Crusher Review] at my blog and watch a powerful insider video by [Clicking Here!]

The bracketed words would be hyperlinked. “Commission Crusher Review” would link to my Squidoo Lens, and “Clicking Here!” would link to my blog review. It’s simple, in your face, and very effective!

That’s all there is to it. Again, don’t overthink it. I see so many marketers writing these 5 and 6 line resource boxes that talk about all of their experience and credentials and it’s just not necessary.
No offense intended here, but people who are reading that review are interested in the product, not where you went to college!

The article should have one goal, and one goal only – to get the reader to click through to your blog or Squidoo Lens where they can then either watch your video or read more details about the product. If they don’t make it to your blog or your Lens, they can’t make it to the sales page, and you can’t get paid!

Where to Submit Your Article

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of article directories on the internet. However, only a handful of those are worth submitting to.


I usually submit to around 20-30 directories, and I have narrowed it down through years of trial and error, and knowing which directories actually producted results.


Here's what I came up with:

1. Ezine Articles – http://ezinearticles.com
2. Articles Base – http://articlesbase.com
3. Go Articles – http://goarticles.com
4. Idea Marketers – http://ideamarketers.com
5. Article Snatch – http://articlesnatch.com
6. Amazines – http://amazines.com
7. Article Alley – http://articlealley.com
8. Article Directory – http://articledirectory.com
9. Article Slash – http://articleslash.com
10. Article Rich – http://articlerich.com
11. ABC Article Directory – http://abcarticledirectory.com
12. Pub Articles – http://pubarticles.com
13. SearchWarp – http://searchwarp.com
14. Article Dashboard – http://articledashboard.com
15. Article Blast – http://articleblast.com
16. Article Feeder – http://articlefeeder.com
17. Article Cell – http://articlecell.com
18. Article King Pro http://www.articlekingpro.com/
19. iSnare – http://isnare.com
20. World Village – http://worldvillage.com

You can submit to as many directories as you like, but in order to make this work well, I would recommend always submitting your reviews to the top 20.
There is another directory that ranks very well, and it's called Buzzle. The thing with Buzzle is they are quite particular about the content they publish, and it must be unique. So, if you feel like writing a separate review to submit only to Buzzle, that would only be to your benefit.

Article Directory List & Submitter

I have created a huge list of 175+ active article directories for you and also included article submitter software. You will need to program the directories into the submitter software as you join them.

You can download these two powerful tools for free here:




That about concludes this section! So, by now you have:

1. Set up your Worpdress blog.
2. Found a product to review, purchased it, and gave it a thorough going over.
3. Created your “insider” video.
4. Written a 700-1000 word review.
5. Published your video and written review as a single post on your blog.
6. Published your review to Squidoo and pinged it using Ping-O-Matic.
7. Rewritten your review into a 400-500 word article and published it to all of the above listed directories.