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When Is a Niche Not a Niche in Marketing


“Survival  of  the  Fittest”  is  not  merely  a  topic  for  discussion in a science classroom.  In a competitive business environment,  only the business that is able to successfully market itself and its products and service will survive. Weaker ones will simply lose their customer base and eventually go into liquidation or bankruptcy. This is inevitable.


The Need of the Niche


To gain a top marketing position and remain there, it is essential that the focus be narrow and the commitment to be best be determined. Without this approach,  focus can become too broad and it becomes easy to spend time and money on too many things, none of which will provide  the  competitive  edge  the  business  needs  to  survive.  By creating a niche market focus, not only does a business define a place for  itself  and its  products  and services,  but  it  is  enabled to  take advantage of an existing market for that niche.


Many businesses that promote a product or service believe they have a niche market, because of what they are seeking to sell or provide. While this is true to a certain degree, the focus may still be too broad for the marketing strategy to be considered a niche.  A true niche is not only the product or service being sold, it is also about the target audience  of  the  advertising  campaign.  Advertising  strategies  are specifically  pitched to customers who already are interested in the products and services on offer and actively searching to purchase or use them. 


Most  businesses market  a large range of  products to broad groups who may or may not be interested in what is being offered. Business strategies  are  often  developed  to  advertise  to  a  much  broader potential customer base. By narrowing advertising strategies through a niche approach to marketing, valuable time, resources and money are not wasted. No matter how well advertising is presented, much of this style of advertising will only translate into a modest increase in customer numbers.


By focusing on the niche approach to marketing, the conversion rate of traffic to customers is much higher than for those businesses that focus  on a broader  marketplace.  The added benefit  for  those who enter into the niche market is smaller market competition to contend with and therefore a greater opportunity for faster success.


Finding your  niche  is  the  key  to successful  marketing  and in the remaining chapters, we will focus on how to identify your niche and how to market products and services to potentiate sales profits. This approach to business also frees the business owner to be passionate about  their  product  or  service  with  people  who  are  going  to  be interested in it.  The niche market is already an interested audience for advertising campaigns. Niche  marketing  has  the  potential  to  give  a  business  immediate online marketing success. Robert Kiyosaki explains why


“The only way one will create wealth is to understand that wealth

comes from us not to us. Wealth is a reward for services rendered.

That is why you must help and truly give value to others and that’s

when you will attract people and wealth. If you focus on a check you

will make just a living but if you focus on relationship you’ll make a



Niche marketing takes this principle and potentiates it in the business environment.


Identifying Your Niche


When you have realized the importance of a niche for your business, you will understand that there are various things that you need to do in order  to identify it.  Your  niche  is  the  narrow area  where  your business will focus on. It is the green pasture for you… the little area where you have the most  lucrative prospects to take your business ahead. This is the area where you know your business has a demand, and hence the prospects are high. Instead of promoting your business to the whole wide world, just concentrating on this little niche market really makes sense,  because here even if  you market to only a 100 people,  there is a chance that  more than 80 people will  view your business favorably,  because you have already tapped into a market that is interested in you.


Let us discuss some methods in which you can find your niche.


1. One of the best ways to get your niche is to follow your hobby or passion and convert it into a business. This is a very easy thing to do and it will mostly come naturally to you because you are already knowledgeable about your hobby and it could be fun to promote something that  you are already excited about.  So,  if your  hobby  is  fishing,  you  could  start  a  business  about something relating to fishing, such as maybe making and selling fishing rods. Who is your niche in this case? Your niche is all the anglers of the world.


Doesn’t  it  make  perfect  sense?  When  you  are  a  hobbyist yourself,  it  is  easier  for  you  to  get  in touch with the  other anglers of the world. You know where they hang out, you know how to get in touch with them, and you know what will arouse their interest. In this case, you are a part of the niche, you are not  apart  from the niche.  It  helps  you to have a clear  focus about what you are going to do and that can certainly help your business prospects.


2. You can also find a niche by finding a specialized area of  an existing market. Take this example. The cell phone market is a huge market.  Now,  if  you think of  getting into the cell  phone manufacturing market,  that  is  a very huge task that  you are planning to take up. Are you confident of meeting the demands of  this very wide market? That is certainly a tall order!  Then, suppose that you are able to narrow down your market. Instead of catering to the entire cell phone using fraternity, you decide that  you will  focus  on a part  of  it.  You decide  that  you will specialize in making cell phones for students only.


In that case, you do not have to go too far. You only have to take a look at the needs, requirements and preferences of the student community and you create devices for them alone. You are not interested in the other users of cell phones and what they are looking for  because that  does  not  form a part  of  your  niche market. You only want to get in touch with people who are part of your niche.


Naturally,  you  will  be  able  to  produce  more  sophisticated products  because  you can do  research on what  this  specific market needs and you will be better equipped to provide it to them.


3. Another way to identify a niche is to find out a shortcoming or a lacking  in an existing  market.  When refrigerators  were  first invented, they were made of wooden or metallic bodies and they did not have the rubber lining that they come with presently. Due  to  this,  these  refrigerators  were  immensely  noisy  and definitely not a pleasure to use.


Some  smart  cookie  understood  this  shortcoming  in refrigerators  and then thought  of  a  method to eliminate  the noisy nuisance. Thus, the rubber lining was invented. You see the point… this was an add-on, something that was a failing of a previous product and now it has become a complete industry in itself.


Maybe you should take a look around as well. There are several products out there that need some kind of finesse. Also,  there are  several  services  out  there  that  can do  with some  better planning.  You do not need a scientific mind for that.  Haven’t you sometimes, after using a particular product or service, felt that if you had designed it, it would have been better? Now is the time where you can use all  these ideas and opinions and create a niche for yourself… likeminded people like you who are also looking for those very things that  you purport  to give to them and make some money in the process.


4. Something that is the need of  the hour could be an excellent niche for you to deal with.  There are so many things that are lacking in the world that we live in. You should have a keen eye for finding out about those things.  Then sit down and think— why are those things lacking? Can you do something about it? Can you provide people with any solutions there?


In such cases, it might be required for you to up your skills a little.  You might need to learn new things.  You might need to invent something even. But do not let that faze you. The biggest marketers of  the world,  the most successful  people,  are those who have identified some unsatisfied need in the  world  and then provided that to people.


5. Create a need. This is perhaps the most difficult way of finding out your niche. It will take the greatest amount of creativity and effort.  But,  you can do it if  you are given time.  What did Bill Gates do? He created a niche, he created a need. He created a whole new niche of people who wanted to use computers. And that created a million sub-niches of its own.


You will  need oodles of  talent and inventiveness to develop a niche  by  creating  a  need.  But,  you should  start  by  thinking about a new product… a product that will benefit humankind in some way. You may have some ideas on that already. There are a lot more people with such ideas than you might think. If you have something in your mind,  do not nip it in the bud. Think about what you can do to implement it, after you have carefully assessed the worth of that idea. If you are sure, then you can go ahead and think about building on your concept… and creating a need in the process.