Rich Marketer Poor Marketer by Marketing Mastery - HTML preview

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Chapter 1:

The ‘Rich Marketer Poor Marketer’ Concept





Before starting out with this eBook, we need to know what the terms rich marketer and poor marketer mean. This will help put everything in perspective. In today’s terms, a rich marketer is someone who has access  to different  resources  and utilizes  them.  A rich marketer  is someone who knows what it means to run a successful business and is able to cater to the market in the wisest manner. The rich marketer understands the importance of money and at the same time does not flinch from making an investment, either in improving the quality of the product or in promoting the product to the market, because it is the promotion that will bring in more money to do bigger stuff.


In essence, a rich marketer is a person who knows what the market is all about and gives it what it wants. This helps the rich marketer to continue on the path of progress and go ahead in business pursuits.


So, where does the poor marketer falter? The truth is that the poor marketer has access to the same resources that the rich marketer has, but the problem is that the poor marketer does not know about them.


The poor marketer delves in ignorance, like the proverbial frog in the well.


The world has undergone a drastic change in the 21st Century. Like in the feudal ages, the world is no longer divided into ‘haves’ and ‘havenots’.  The  demarcation  is  not  so  simple  at  present.  Today,  the distinction is between the ‘knows’  and the ‘know-nots’.  The people who know how to implement the methods that they have access to and the people who do not know about these methods,  forget their implementation. This is what is creating the divide between the rich and the poor today.


If  you are reading between the lines,  you will  understand that  the world  of  today has  resources  for  everyone.  Everything is  there for everyone to use.  But,  not everyone is using those things in the way they should.


This is what we are going to see in this chapter—the divide between the rich marketer and the poor marketer.  We are going to see what inspired us to come up with this concept.  We will also see how the reality is true, in any age, but it is only the surficial aspects that tend to change from one age to another.