Rich Marketer Poor Marketer by Marketing Mastery - HTML preview

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The ‘Rich Marketer Poor Marketer’ Concept


Where the Idea Stems from


With a plethora of  information on “get rich quick” ideas and “selfhelp” aids, it is easy to wonder who we should listen to and who to ignore. Robert Kiyosaki of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” fame and a founding member of the Elevation Group is one of those people who when they speak on a subject are worth listening too. Why do I say that?


He has sat where so many of us are currently sitting. In the current economic climate, with so many questions about whether or not any business or  investment decisions we make will actually make or lose us money, he has already trod the path of indecision. He, like most of us, has sat facing unpaid bills and the pressures of an income cannot sufficiently cover household and family expenses and has learned how to turn things around.  He has learned how to use the economy to make his wealth. 


His approach is not a simple get rich quick scheme, but a planned and focused approach to using the tools already in our hands to create a future that many can only dream, Education is the key to open this door of opportunity. Reflecting on the past, learning about trends and using them to gain valuable insights into the present and future is the approach Robert  advocates.  As  we do this  in business  and in our personal lives, we can turn around our financial affairs and reap the same rewards he has achieved in this process.


Many  of  Roberts’s  books  have  achieved bestseller  status.  He is  a highly  regarded in the  business  world  and as  an author  who  has helped countless  ordinary people  achieve  their  dreams  of  a better future. His websites and blogs detail the life choices that confronted him,  to either  stick with the  status  quo or  see  gaining  wealth as something negative or to seize the opportunity and use the current economic climate to find a better way of dealing with the resources and assets at his disposal.


Robert chose this path and the result is “Richer Dad,” an innovative approach to helping people make choices and decisions. Robert uses the education approach to help people take charge of  the financial planning  of  their  lives  and  businesses.  His  online  websites  and EBooks provide free resources to help guide readers to make personal choices that  will  benefit them as they seek to decide how to invest money safely.


This is a guide for those who are in business and who are seeking to use online marketing as a tool  for their business success.  The book describes the importance of creating a niche-marketing environment. It explores the common problems people make in online marketing and will assist you to identify your personal business niche. You will learn how to achieve an effective marketing strategy for your unique niche and how to use the proven Richer Dad principles to achieve dominance in a highly competitive market place.