Starting An Internet Business: Ideas, Tools, & Methods by Darren Talley - HTML preview

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Getting Started

Now that you’re past the “reality check” chapters, we can really have fun!

If you are just DYING to get started this very second with creating your own website for your business, I recommend Multi Profit Websites. It’s awesome for non-technical people. It is endorsed by the highest names in internet marketing and it’s very easy to use. John and Dave have really created an incredible business opportunity for newbies (and veterans) who want to make money in their pajamas! Online customers reviews (what I look at) are great.

So what’s the very first thing to think about? Here’s what NOT to think about first…never begin with money.

Greed will never open doors for you. And customers will spot it a mile away. It will spill over in all you do, and that is not what you want. So where’s the best place to begin?

Always begin with other people’s problems. Work on solving their problems. What problem (need or want) do people have that you can help with? What solutions do you have access to? Solving problems should be the heart of any business you start.

Imagine being able to provide a service or product of great value to those who need it. It will solve a problem for them and you’ll be financially rewarded for providing a solution.
Make a list of any worthwhile business you’d like to start. If you already know what type of businesses you want to consider, go ahead and list them. If you’re unsure, then allow this list to give you some ideas…

• Grooming Pets
• Lawn Care Tips
• Coupons
• Book reviews
• Photography
• Religious Specialty
• Auto Mechanics
• Clothing and Accessories
• Music Lessons
• Metal Detecting
• Food Preparation
• Special Date Planning
• Obscure Vacation Spots
• Birthday Ideas
• Baby Care
• Self-Help
• Budgeting
• Jewelry
• Skateboarding
• Movie Reviews
• Organizing Clutter
• Scuba Diving
• Special Needs for Men
• Special Needs for Women
• Special Needs for Teens
• Special Needs for Children
• Special Needs for Elderly
• Special Needs for ___________

You get the idea. I’m sure you may be wondering how you can get paid for some of these - like movie reviews. I’ll explain that later in the handbook. For now, choose several ideas from above (or your own) that you would enjoy doing as a business.

Take your time with this. You don’t have to figure it out this very second. Once you begin this process, your brain will come up with ideas for days to come. Just keep adding to your personal list.

The second thing you do is to decide whether it can make money or not.

I can hear you thinking now. “Now Darren, I thought you said not to focus on money!” Let me clarify. Making money can’t be your primary goal. Your primary goal is to solve people’s problem. But your second goal better be to make money at it. If you don’t make money, then it’s not a business. It’s a personal mission or hobby (which is fine, too – just don’t call it a business). So, how do you know whether you can make money online or not with your potential business?
Simple. Surf the web and look for websites promoting that particular business. In fact, take note of the following:

1. Is it a business site or hobby site? In other words, are they making money with your idea or are they simply sharing info?
2. Keep track of the number of sites that you find. The more you find, the more receptive the online crowd is to that business.
3. As you’re searching, what ideas come to mind that could improve on the quality of the solution and increase the sales of the business?

Also, look for specialization. Instead of trying to set up a general business that appeals to the masses, find one special part of that business that you know a lot about. This is what is known as “niche” marketing. It will be one of the most important practices you’ll learn. It attracts more people than a general website.

For instance, if you are an expert on car repair, resist setting up a website on general repair. Instead, focus on the best “carburetor rebuild” ideas...or fuel injection issues…or problems unique to Volkswagens.

Niche marketing will attract so many more people than general marketing. WalMart is an exception to the rule of niche marketing. Focus on a specific solution. Don’t try to be Wal-Mart. To be successful in the online world, find a niche!

Once you’ve found your niche, then what? Now you choose a product or service to offer within your niche. Keep in mind that some ideas just won’t make money. If you love teaching your friends how to play chess, great. But chess lessons won’t sell online since you can find them free anywhere. But what if you had some “secret” strategies that would help move someone from a being a novice to becoming a great player? Now you’re talking!

So what product do you have in mind? Can you buy it or create it yourself? Is it compatible with selling online? Is it small enough to ship or freight?

What about a service? You don’t have to sell a product. You could offer to type handwritten notes into a Word file. You could be a business consultant who reviews business plans for upstarts. There are countless ideas of services that you could offer over the internet as well as to your local area.

First, choose a niche. Second, choose a product or service. And now choose a method by which to market your product or service. There are literally hundreds of variations of methods, but I’ve broken them down for you into their ease of use…