Starting An Internet Business: Ideas, Tools, & Methods by Darren Talley - HTML preview

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Starting With Simple Methods

By saying that it’s simple, I don’t mean it’s easy. All methods are going to require work. It’s a fantasy to believe that you can throw up a web page and watch the money roll in. It’s false promises like these that cause so many to give up before their business even gets a chance to work.

A simple method means that you can setup a viable online business with a few basic tools. The following methods will reveal their simplicity as you read each one.

Email Method

The Email Method is just what it sounds like. You simply develop an email list that receives email tips or a newsletter from you. Your list can be setup to receive the emails on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. You can use online forums, other people’s email lists, or a one page website to attract subscribers.

This method can make you money in several ways. You can setup a membership system whereby each person pays to receive your emails. Or they can subscribe for free, but they pay for products or services you offer them in the emails.

You can also become an affiliate marketer (more on this soon) and get commissions based on the purchases made by your subscribers. Or you can sell advertising from other business owners in your related niche - as long as you don’t have direct competition.
The Email Method is perhaps the simplest of all, and just like some newsletter programs in the regular mail, it can be of great value to your customers and to you. Sometimes “simple” really is profound.

Buy & Sell Ebooks

You are reading an ebook right now. Even though I call this a handbook, it is what most marketers would call an ebook.

You can purchase ebooks and sell them. But you cannot sell just any ebook. There are many websites that offer ebooks for sale. But you normally can only purchase them for yourself, not sell them yourself...unless you have permission.

Search for ebooks that offer "Resell Rights." Specifically, resell rights give you the authority to not only buy the book for yourself, but you can sell it to others and keep all the profits! This is a great way to get your online business started quickly. (Sorry, this handbook is exclusive and not for reselling).

Additionally, you can even buy the "Master Resell Rights" in many cases. This means you not only have the right to sell the ebooks yourself, but that you have the right to offer your customers the right to sell it, too. Expect to pay a little more than the regular purchase price for these special rights. But you can also charge a bit more and keep 100% of the profits.

Note: Some sites will spell “Resell” as "Resale Rights" or “Master Resale Rights,” so check the spelling for both as you search.

eBay Method

I assume you know about eBay, but just in case – is a large online auction where you can buy and sell almost anything imaginable. Each item is sold to the highest bidder in a specified timeframe. New and used items abound on eBay. They boast a respectable 80+ million visitors per month and over 700 million hits. Wow! This is the best way to start without a website!

Thousands of people make a full time living on eBay. The most obvious way they do this is to “buy low and sell high” strategy. They purchase from thrift stores and wholesale distributors and auction their items for a profit.

If you would like to have a real eBay “Power Seller” show you specifically how to make money on eBay, then check out Skip McGrath’s program, The Complete eBay Marketing System. Skip has a great program and is loved by his students. He will teach you the professional techniques you need to become an eBay power seller. There is NO other eBay training (and there are thousands) that I recommend higher than his.

There are a few little-known ways to use eBay as an online business tool. One way would be to simply sell items and build a list. Many sellers don’t keep in touch after a transaction is finished. You could sell an ebook on CD and stay in contact with all your buyers. You would then use the email method to offer great value to them.

Another method would be to sell an item on a website at a specified price and sell a CD version of it on eBay at a lower price. I did this years ago when I was selling a thrift store course online. I set up a website and sold the hardcopy of the course to be shipped for $129.95. I then sold the digital version on eBay for $49.95. Buyers on eBay expect a deal, so this is a great way to offer them one. In my case, both versions sold quite well.

With this method, be sure not to sell the identical item from your website for a lower price on eBay. This isn’t fair for those who are buying on your website. You will hear about it from them and end up with angry customers. But you can sell another version of your item. If you are selling a product, you could offer a bundled package on your website, and then sell a lesser bundle on eBay.

Note: eBay only allows ebooks on CDs to be sold. You can’t email an ebook after payment is received. You must physically mail them a CD version.

Also, I know you cannot offer direct links to your website from your selling page on eBay. But I have noticed another method being used by numerous sellers. I do not know eBay’s policy on this, so please verify. Ebay seems silent on the matter from what little research I’ve done. But some sellers have been prominently displaying their “About Me” logo on their selling page. When you click on their logo, it takes you to a page with information about them AND links you can visit. Again, verify eBay policy on this, but it is a practice I’ve seen recently.

There’s a junk method going round for using eBay. It’s an ebook telling you to conduct joint ventures with “Power Sellers” on eBay. You basically contact them via eBay and ask them to sell their product to your customer list at a reduced price. Or they can offer your product to their customer list. Either way, this joint venture is done outside of the eBay process.

This method may have worked years ago, but it is now explicitly against eBay policy and can result in Power Sellers (and you) being banned from eBay. I know of one young lady who tried this method and was told in no uncertain terms to never contact them again. So please steer clear of this method.

Again, check out Skip’s program, The Complete eBay Marketing System if you want the very best training.


Ebay is an awesome place to get started with no website and little money.