Starting An Internet Business: Ideas, Tools, & Methods by Darren Talley - HTML preview

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The Hardest Methods And Their Profits

These methods are usually the most difficult, but offer a great profit to those who love lots of organizing and upkeep. These are the methods that require a website.

Setting Up A Website

Well, duh. Isn’t this method the most obvious one of all? Of course it is. But it’s also one of the most overwhelming. Most people have no idea how to begin a website. Even if they’re able to conceptualize it, they don’t have the skills to set one up or the money to pay for it to be done for them.

I recommended Multi Profit Websites earlier. It’s awesome for newbies who need something very simple to set up. Their customers love it and their reviews speak for themselves.

Even a five-page site (home page, about me, products, articles, contact) takes time to prepare. But once you’re set up, you can attract a steady stream of viewers, and build a great customer list. What kind of websites can you build? Here are some ideas…

A Product Site

This website focuses on a specific product – or groups of related products – and sells them via an online store or as an affiliate marketer. Income can come from product sales, ads (more on this in a second) and a customer list built from sales. You will need a way to receive payments, so be sure to read the “Tools” section of this handbook.

A Theme Site

Sailing, Music and Skateboarding are all themes that a website can be built around. There may not be any specific products (there could be), but articles and forums make up these sites. Income primarily comes from ads and articles with affiliate links sprinkled in them.

Be careful about publishing a theme site or product site that is “static.” This means once it’s published online, it never updates. You might get a burst of buyers at first, but they won’t return if new content isn’t added or new products aren’t offered.


A blog – short for “web log” - is an ongoing “diary” or continuing sequence of articles offered to subscribers who log in on a special blog site or receive regular emails from your blog. Search for “dog grooming blog” and you’ll find many sites that give you an idea of a blog. Of course, a blog can apply to any niche you choose.

Starting a blog requires a great deal of preparation to set up, and a commitment to writing fresh articles on a regular schedule – subscribers expect new content. Once you get momentum, you can build a strong subscriber base. A large subscriber list opens up opportunities with JV (joint venture) partners (see previous section).
In recent years, Google Ads (see next section) have been a very popular income stream for bloggers (those who blog). If blogging appeals to you, check out or for easy ways to start a blog.

Google Ads

You may have seen in recent years the “How To Make Money On Google” banners. Google has made it possible for advertisers to set up an AdSense account where they can offer ads to be placed on related websites.

When someone goes to visit a website with Google Ads, they’ll see ad headlines that may interest them. The advertiser pays a certain amount for each “click” a visitor makes on his/her link, thus the term Pay-Per-Click (PPC). And Google pays you a percentage of their revenue from the Google Ads on your site if you sign up for their AdSense program.

As we’ve seen from product and theme sites above, Google Ads aren’t limited to blog sites, so be creative in using them in other websites as well. This is how a movie review site (remember page 12?) can make money.

NOTE about your website product: You want to be passionate about your service or product. People love passion. They respond to it. Your product needs to be something you’re very proud of creating. But you have to balance passion with being too attached to your offer.
Once the demand goes down for your product, let it go. Don’t try to base your entire online business on just one “baby” you have given birth to. This is information, not children, so either update it, or let it go if it no longer serves the public. Constantly create new products with incredible value and your well will never run dry.

Build A List!

You’ve seen me repeat over and over about building a strong customer list. Don’t just take orders and move on. Make sure you keep the name and email of every buyer or prospect and stay in touch with them. Send them great free material and offers, too (of course, always make sure anyone can unsubscribe if they choose to). They are on your list because you gave them great value already and they don’t mind getting more value. If you take care of your people, they will take care of you! See the next page for finding the traffic you’ll need in order to build a list.