Starting An Internet Business: Ideas, Tools, & Methods by Darren Talley - HTML preview

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How To Drive Traffic To Your Site

You can have the greatest website in the world – the best product, the best offer! But if no one sees it, well…you’re spinning your wheels.

A good way to generate traffic is Pay-Per-Click (PPC program like Google Ads – see page 28). You basically bid on keywords in exchange for your ads being shown on thousands of websites. But in recent years, the cost of bidding has become too high for most individuals.

Another way to get traffic is to visit online forums. And visit as a contributor, not a seller! Forum members hate to see new posters trying to sell them something. But if you contribute regularly and show that you know your subject matter, you’ll gain respect and then you can occasionally refer to your website if they want more information on a particular item.

An easy way to get traffic is to tag your website address as part of your signature for avatars and/or usernames you use in forums. If you’re respected and not too pushy, readers will visit your site and gladly check out your website.

This very method also applies to your emails. Every time you email someone – and they forward it – you get a potential viewer for your site.

What about some BIG traffic? What if you could figure out how to get on the first page of Google? I mean it! What if you could get a major highway of traffic coming to you from Google’s search engine? I know it sounds like hype, but you found this handbook from my site ranking very high on Google. That’s why I know it’s not hype. I figured it out. It really isn’t that hard!

I’m dying to tell you how I did it. Honest. But it wouldn’t be fair to George. He developed this method and I paid him to show it to me. And I’m so glad I did. It’s the single best investment I made for my online business – bar none!

I don’t plead very often, but if it will help, I plead with you to go to George’s program and buy it. It has massive positive reviews online from buyers (don’t take my word for it - check it out yourself. Just use my link if you buy it :-) It’s called Google Sniper. You will definitely thank me if you do!

NOTE: When you buy it, don’t build characters as George does. I don’t like that part of his course. You’ll see why. Ignore that part and do everything else!

So there’s still a few more tools you’ll need to check out to make everything run smoothly. Remember I said you could make your business run automatically? You’ll find out how in the next section.