Stop Clipping Coupons Get Your Groceries Free by Dawn Calvert - HTML preview

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I hope that as you are reading this you have not fallen into a state of Lack or Desperation.

Most people live their lives in a state of mediocrity. They know they have the potential to do more, be more, have more, help other people more, but they get bogged down by the demands of life.

They are too busy building someone else’s dream to live their own. They are too busy making a living to make any money and create financial stability.

Helen Keller said, “Hell starts when the person you are, meets the person you could have

become.” Why am I sharing this philosophy with you?

I understand that you are reading this report to learn how your family can receive free groceries and gasoline. That part is a “no brainer”. I know that if over the next few pages I can effectively communicate this process, that virtually everyone reading my words right now will be receiving free groceries in a short period of time. That means you!

Thousands of everyday people across the United States and Canada have already taken advantage of what I am going to share with you. So I am excited for you! I just ask that you stay with me, and read every sentence carefully, and I am going to do my best to share with you this awesome blessing.

I know that there will be several experienced, business minded people who will read this report. Maybe a friend, business associate or relative passed this report on to you. So if you will allow me, I would like to take just a minute and speak to the impatient entrepreneurs first.