Stop Clipping Coupons Get Your Groceries Free by Dawn Calvert - HTML preview

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A Short Message to Entrepreneurs

You understand that wealth is created in front of trends. I don’t have to explain that to you.

You also understand that every major trend in this country has been created by one group, the baby boomers. From Gerber baby food to plastic surgery and everything in between.

I heard a preacher say one time, “If we could see the future, we would all be millionaires.” I felt like standing on the pew and shouting, “NO! NO we wouldn’t, not if we don’t take advantage of what we see!”

So let me take a minute and share with you one of the hottest trends we will probably see in our lifetime.


At first glance this trend makes no sense to some Entrepreneurs, including my husband Dale, until he got the facts. Dale thought, “Why would anyone order groceries online and have them delivered, if they can just go to the grocery store and pick them up?”

Keep in mind this is coming from a man who probably hadn’t spent 10 hours of his life in a grocery store.

I can tell you, as a busy mom working a full time job, there has not been a time in my life when I wouldn’t have welcomed the opportunity to go on line and place my order (average time 3 minutes and 47 seconds) and then swing by a pick- up hub and have someone load them in my car for me, or better yet deliver them to my door!

However, the more important point is, over the next few years millions of people are going to lose the ability and/or the desire to get out in traffic and fight the crowds at the grocery store! You are right, if you think we are talking about the baby boomers.

This trend is happening and will continue to happen regardless if we believe it is going to or not! See the chart below from Nielson:




This trend will more than double to $25 BILLION by 2014!

I have seen projections that state the Online Grocery Business could reach $85 Billion within the next 10 years. The question is, how would you like to get a piece of that pie?

Major players like Walmart, K- Mart, and Amazon recognize this trend and are experimenting with local grocery delivery in a few markets.



Over the last year or so that we have been associated with this company the one thing I have learned is that when the facts are shared, Entrepreneurs see the upside potential of this trend very quickly and take immediate action and get their questions answered.

If I am talking about you, there is nothing else I will share in this document that can speak louder than Neilson, Amazon, K- Mart and Walmart. However, the one thing that I would like to mention before I let you go, is that none of these large conglomerates will be able to run and keep up with us. If anything, they will only help us bring this business model to the forefront of people’s minds.


“Independent Hubs”