Stop Clipping Coupons Get Your Groceries Free by Dawn Calvert - HTML preview

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Etc. etc.

About 30% of the population is so closed minded and fearful they say something off the wall like, no I wouldn’t be interested in that. It is really sad to me that 30% of the population perceive themselves to be such a victim to the point that they are not capable of having a normal common sense conversation.

About 30% of the time when I run into these closed minded people, I just say a silent prayer for them and then verbally say …… really? Well I didn’t think you would be, but can you do me a favor and just pass my business card along to someone who would be interested in free groceries. I hand it to them and walk away.

What is really interesting is how many of those people start trying to ask me questions as I walk away. I hear things like.

Is this for real?

How does this work?

Can I give this to my sister?

Is this your website?

Etc. etc. etc. I just say everything is on the website and so is my phone number, call me if you have any questions.

The last thing I am going to do is try to convince somebody they should start getting their groceries free instead of paying for them, I mean really. People who are afraid to step out of their comfort zone just a slight bit, ultimately die with their music still in them. It is sad, but if they want to continue to pay out of pocket for their groceries, so be it. There are way too many people that jump on this program when they see it.

How This Blessing Fell Into Our Lap

A little over a year ago, someone my husband didn’t know sent him an email about a program called MPB Today. For some reason he didn’t delete it and actually visited the website. He found the concept very interesting, but again not having enough hours in the day to pursue one more project, he didn’t take action.

Thankfully, a week or so later, one of his staff members asked him if he had heard about the program? He said something like, “yes, I checked out the website and it looked interesting.”

That night the staff member sent Dale an email that said, ”hey I joined it, and I know you and Dawn have some consumer savings program websites, where you may want to place a banner ad or something.”


From that point, Dale got on a webinar to learn more, and heard about the Grocery Delivery

TREND, from their he listened in on a corporate call with the CEO and president of the company and Dale started to develop a real vision for the upside potential of the program.

After really praying about it, he jumped in with both feet and before I really knew what was going on, Walmart Gift cards and checks started coming to our mail box, what seemed like every day.

That is when I got plugged in to what was going on.

All I can say is that this has been one of the most exciting experiences of my life. I have learned more in a year about people and marketing than most people will learn in a lifetime.

We have played a role in making a positive impact on thousands of families and I cannot express in words what a blessing this program has been for us and many of our family. We received 46 Walmart cards our first 52 weeks in the program and made over $100,000.00 in cash with this opportunity.

Now just because that happened for us, does it mean it will happen for you? Absolutely not, the only guarantees in life as we know are death and taxes. However, if you are sincerely looking for an opportunity to make an immediate positive impact on your family budget, or even an opportunity to create financial independence, this is your answer.

The truth is, this program is just getting started. The opportunity right now, today is better than it has ever been. A lot of the bugs have been worked out of the system and people with a lottery mentality have come and gone. The company has a group of dedicated, loyal field leaders that are determined to make sure this company reaches its potential and re-writes marketing history.

I promise you, if you see an opportunity here for you, and you are accepted as a member, you will receive 100% direction and support from Dale and I. Those that follow the game plan we outline, will make money, those that don’t, probably won’t. So if you have a real desire to make a positive impact on your family finances and you are willing to follow a very simple step-by-step game plan continue reading.

If you are just a curiosity seeker, or don’t have the ability to follow a step-by-step process, then this is not for you and you can save your time and ours by stop reading now. However, if you are the type of person we are looking for you know it, so continue reading or we both lose.