Stop Clipping Coupons Get Your Groceries Free by Dawn Calvert - HTML preview

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Pensacola, Florida MPB Today announces Independent Grocery Hub Program.

MPB Today is the marketing organization for Southeastern delivery, a grocery delivery company based in Pensacola, Florida.

The company recently held their first ever National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia with over 600 independent affiliates in attendance from throughout the United States and Canada.

At the event, Gary Calhoun, the CEO and President of MPB Today, announced the new Independent Grocery Hub program. This program will allow entrepreneurs and commercial real estate owners to establish grocery delivery hubs throughout the United States, with the guidance of the MPB Today executive staff.

Because of the aging of the population as well as the busy schedules of families, the grocery delivery business is a huge trend. In a national survey grocery shopping was rated the second most hated household chore, behind cleaning bathrooms.

Neilson has projected the trend to double by 2014, and some reports project the grocery delivery business to reach eighty five billion dollars domestically within the next ten years. With the introduction of the Independent Grocery Hub program, MPB

Today and Southeastern delivery seem to be positioning themselves to be a major force in this booming trend.

For more information on the Independent Hub Program, or the requirements to become an MPB

affiliate contact MPB Diamond Distributor Dale Calvert at 770-499-2061 or visit MPB Today.

Entrepreneurs, I hope these facts have given you a glimpse of the future. As you know, “A

Wise Person Investigates what a fool takes for granted.” My suggestion to you is that you contact the person that sent you this report right now and get your questions answered.

They will be able to get you on the phone with a field leader. I promise you that if you take just a little bit of your time, and really get the facts you will be blown away by the upside potential of this unique, one-of-a-kind trend.

Like my husband and I, we understand you are busy. We didn’t have another hour in our day.

However, some of the best advice I ever heard has been:

“You have to say No to a lot of good opportunities, so you have time for the great ones”

After taking the time to get the facts, we quickly came to the decision that there is nothing we could be doing with our time that had more upside potential and could help more people than this program. It is one of the best business decisions we have ever made.

Again, if you are an entrepreneur minded person, I know at this point you have enough facts that makes the evaluation of this program obvious. My recommendation to you is that you immediately contact the person that sent you this document.


Simple Plan for you to Receive Free Groceries,

Gasoline, Prescription Medicine, Tires, and

Anything Else that Sam’s Club or WalMart sells.

Thanks for your patience. At the time of this writing, over 70,000 people just like you have taken advantage of the simple system I am about to share with you.

If you can keep an open mind, and understand this is NOT LIKE ANYTHING YOU HAVE EVER

SEEN, HEARD ABOUT OR BEEN INVOLVED WITH BEFORE you are about to get excited! I am excited for you, because we have seen so many lives changed for the better over the past several months, and I know it is just starting.

Some people are so closed minded they can see through a key hole with both eyes. I know this probably isn’t you, or you wouldn’t be reading this report to start with!

Let me ask you a question. How many people do you know? Statistics tell us that the average 18 year old knows 787 people by at least their first name. I assume that if you are reading this you are probably over 18, but let’s just round that number down to 500 people you know, ok?

Are you with me?

Out of those 500, how many of them would like to receive free groceries for the rest of their life? 100% ….. right? It doesn’t matter if they are a multi-millionaire, or living on government assistance, they would love free groceries for the rest of their life, right?


If you disagree with that, then just stop reading because this is definitely not for you. Quite frankly, we only want to work with those that see the glass half full and have a basic understanding of human nature.

Next question, if you asked any person, anywhere in the United States or Canada, “ You wouldn’t want to learn how you can get your groceries for free for the rest of your life would you?”

What do you think most would say?

What would you say?

Really what do you think the normal, human reaction would be?

I can tell you from experience, if I am pleasant, polite, smile, and don’t look like I just crawled out from underneath a rock, 70% will say something like:

*Sure, how can I do that?

* Are you serious, of course!

* Absolutely

* How would something like that work?