The Marketers Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge. by Pat Vojtaskovic - HTML preview

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Herd mentality

For a certain reason, one you will soon learn, #1's and some #2's act with a herd mentality. They get on the same big name guru lists. The buy the same products at the same time. Consequentially, they are all doing about the same things at the same time. This is never good, due to the law of diminishing returns. Now you know why so many fail and wind up quitting. So sad, it didn't have to be that way. I have a theory about this one. It has to do with email lists and the abuse of psychology. Certain marketers who will remain nameless could not resist the power of a big list + psychology. The line is crossed and they go past persuasion to sell them the latest thing. They tell them what to do, and many will do it, kind of like my earlier “evil” example. Anyone smart enough to do that knows about diminishing returns. They and their JV buddies send a mass herd into single market with the same tools & methods.......


… the same time and they are all going to make that gazillion bucks you promised them. Right and Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman. Those guys are playing the herd for mindless zombies. You and I will not. I feel bad for the herd, I really do. They don't even know what is happening to them because they're under a hypnotic trance.

And they weren't even listening to a politician.

But you won't fall for this. And if it did happen to you, never again. The tables are turned in your favor now. I sure am glad you got this report. I must say, I am speaking of a very few. Those few working together suck plenty of newbies dry and put them out of business, more broke and frustrated that they were before they tried internet marketing. Is that the plan? I'm not sure, I just know that it happens. Most marketers do not take advantage of others, period. I'm not talking about the 99% who are good. If this shoe does fit you, I beg you to stop it now.

Now, about some politicians, I can't help but share this with you. A technique they often use is to say the same things over and over. These are things they want you to believe. They do this because of something called implicit memory. We all have implicit memory, and it causes the illusion of truth effect, which suggests that subjects are more likely to rate as true statements those that they have already heard, regardless of their veracity. Think about that. The media can play a role in this as well. They tell you something over and over and soon you'll think it's true, even if it's not. Of course nobody would ever do such things to push an agenda, would they? I'll let you draw your own conclusions.

To be fair, some people use psychology without knowing it. For instance, but a copyrighting course. Or how to write adwords ads or headlines. Usually there is no mention of the forbidden word. That's why I said it's supposed to take you years to figure this out. Just keep this under wraps, respect the awesome power of psychology and never ever abuse it. That pretty well sums it up. The small group who are privy to this information are privileged indeed. When I say there is enough out there in the niche markets for all of us, I really do mean that. There are many thousands of Internet marketers out there who don't have a clue about this. To say you will now have a competitive edge over them is an understatement.