The Marketers Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge. by Pat Vojtaskovic - HTML preview

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Moneymaking examples

Every get your ex back, how to seduce women... so on, product on Clickbank not only use psychology in the sales letter, that's what the product teaches. Very specif psychological techniques on how to get someone to do what you want. And they do it without revealing where the power of the techniques comes from. That part I'm O.K. with. Educate yourself on psychological triggers and you can become a masterful copywriter. Do that and you can earn a six figure income writing sales letters for others if you are so inclined. Or you can just use it to sell whatever you choose and make your fortune that way.

In case you are thinking "wait a minute, you tell me there is no magic bullet and then you hand me one". As big a advantage as I gave you, it's not a magic bullet. You now know you have been looking under all the wrong rocks, until today. That's good. However, knowing a point of emphasis is one thing, but not the only thing. There are a lot more components that will go into this super cash machine we are building.

We'll have to take them one at a time step by step. No, we can't do it all in this initial report, sorry. This is the starting point. Now you know your wildest dreams can come true. Hone and develop your persuasion skills and you will be able to write your own paychecks. You can strike out on your own if you choose. You know what to focus on and can figure everything else out without my help. Or we can stay in touch and continue the journey together. We'll talk more about this later. Here is something I find interesting. At the warrior forums, they do have a forum called: Mind Warriors - Success, Power, Self-Improvement While this is closely related to what we are speaking of here, it is consistently one of the least busy forums. While there is and average of around 1000 people browsing the Special Offer forum, only around 70 will be at the mind warriors. Copyrighting is also very important and likewise not a busy place at all. Those in the know about such things are somewhat reluctant to disclose what works. It's better to be guarded when speaking publicly. I'll say things here, in my reports I would never, ever publish in a public forum.