The Marketers Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge. by Pat Vojtaskovic - HTML preview

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MBSI - Mind, body, spirit/soul interaction

Do you ever feel you are at war with yourself ? In a way, you are. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was based on this concept. Your mind is sometimes at odds with your spirit. Your body is caught in the middle and can become sick if the war gets bad enough. It can be very difficult at times for even the best doctors to determine if the problem is mental or physical. If you haven't experienced this, odds are you know someone who has. Your mind is the lazy part of you. It's always looking for an easy way out. Mine told me I couldn't write this eBook. Then it told me nobody would read it. The mind often works against us in many ways. It takes on a life of it's own (ego), and that is all it cares about. Itself.

Do you have inner struggles, too? To help illustrate what I speak of, here is a breakdown:

Mind - your brain plus ego
Body - your flesh and blood mortal body
Spirit - the intellect of your soul
Soul - self, your existence.
The soul/spirit is what continues on after our death in the physical plane. For simplicity sake, I'll count this as one thing. (really 2)