The Marketers Black Book of Forbidden Knowledge. by Pat Vojtaskovic - HTML preview

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The Power of suggestion

One of the more subtle techniques we can use to trip the trigger and get what we want. No hard sell here (actually, we'll never hard sell), simply suggesting an action can be extremely effective. And it doesn't always require words. An image can do the trick. For instance, you see a young lady walking down the sidewalk with a McDonald's drink cup. She didn't speak to you, but somehow you find yourself at McDonald's at your next opportunity. That unmistakable golden M on her cup spoke to you. Yes, some of this is due to branding, you had to know what the M represented. But from there, the power of suggestion took over. You have been there before and liked it. The cup suggested to your mind that you go back. You can suggest a site without telling someone to go there. If you are an affiliate promoting a popular site like eBay, the logo alone is a powerful suggestion if you don't have a bunch of other ads, banners and flashing graphics competing with it. In most cases, less is more when it comes to things like ads. If you are producing content pages, try this. Take one page and splatter it with ads like the typical page you see on the net. Now build one just like it, only focus on gently suggesting one other site. You might be shocked at what page makes the most money. You will also prove to yourself you are on to something. All too often, if you give someone too many choices, they make no choice at all. It's easier for them because they subconsciously fear making the wrong choice. You may have caused something that is called cognitive dissonance. A negative trigger. Here is a short definition: psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously So try just giving then one simple choice, in a very gentle way.

Ebay works great because everyone knows the logo and that you can pick up some bargains there. Amazon works well, too. Either of those two markets will almost certainly have something related to the content of your page. And if they buy something else while they are there, you get credit for that, too. In this short initial report, I won't be able to go into any great detail on affiliate marketing. A quick explanation is, you get paid for referring visitors to a site, if they do a certain thing. Most of the time, that means buy something, and if the do you earn a percentage of the sale. CPA is also considered affiliate marketing, but you get paid for an action other than a purchase. It can be simply filling out a form with their name and email address. Or fill out an application. Generally speaking, the more detailed an action required, the more it pays. Get this, you must persuade people to complete the action you wish them to take, just the same as if you want them to buy something. It might be easier in some cases, but your ability to persuade is of utmost importance, nonetheless. I could keep going, but that should provide a basic understanding of what an affiliate is. The warrior forum is a fantastic resource for learning more about affiliate marketing. And it's newbie friendly and free, so don't hesitate to investigate further. It's easy to get cognitive dissonance, so be careful. But please don't lose focus on the most important thing to learn and then perfect, psychology. That is the fuel that drives your success. I would be honored to assist you in this study, as it is my passion. Details on how we can stay in touch with each other are at the end of this report.

Affiliate marketing, resale rights, PLR, CPA, membership sites, creating your own products and all the other ways to monetize web traffic are only the vehicle. The vehicle won't move without fuel. Let's fill up before we leave. Too many newcomers give up and quit before that get a good start. Others struggle for a long time. You and I know what to fill up on so we don't have to sputter along.

Something very useful for all marketers, understanding your target market. Knowing what age, income level, education level and so fourth of people most likely to buy your product is crucial. Teenagers aren't very interested in health food. Right? That's fairly obvious. Other things aren't so obvious. Seniors are the biggest market for sneakers. I would not have guessed that one. Target the wrong group and it will cost you sales. Remember, identifying who wants to buy what is a big piece of the puzzle.


2 out of ever 3 people that visit the warrior forum are male. It's a middle aged less affluent crowd. That's right, less affluent. I would not have guessed that. They are also over represented in the no kids in the house category. 47% went to college, 13% graduate school. The average visitor stays 14.3 minutes, I could go on, but are you starting to get the picture? You can do this with any site that gets a decent amount of traffic. Oh, it gives you traffic details as well, along with if the site accepts advertising. The audience also likes feature is super important. You can not only find out about the people who visit a certain site, you can find out where else they frequent. The data that can be mined using this process is priceless in the right hands. Let me give you just one idea what you could do.

Let's say you was thinking about advertising on , A very popular high traffic site. By knowing what else that audience likes, you know what to offer them, correct? Think about this and you'll come up with more clever ways to use the data you collect.