The Mindset of the Unstoppable by Nick Stentiford - HTML preview

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Chapter 1:

Creating the Mindset for Your Online Future

Creating the Mindset for Your Online Future

We hear all the time how many people have become successful in their online business. Perhaps, you have also tried getting into the online market yourself but unfortunately, so far you have had some issues, eg information overload, the next push button dream, get rich today schemes….the list goes on!!!

Starting a business online is just like starting an offline one, except that you will have to do all your transactions online and you are able to reach a huge global market. The great thing about starting an online business is that generally the start up costs will be minimal in comparison to a bricks & mortar business.

However, one thing is the same for both types of business so that they are successful – the right mindset. When you start-up with the right approach then you will be able to get ahead in the race.

What does the “right mindset” mean?

This question is the one that I get asked the most and can quite easily be explained but in the same breath can be easily forgotten (especially when things go wrong!!)

For me, and from now on, for you, the right mindset basically means a general positivity about your person and your thoughts. My mind is never asleep, I am always picturing myself with riches and how I think I could achieve them. Once I have an idea it gets written down and then I implement the plan to start the big ball rolling. It is this positive attitude to ALWAYS succeed that drives me and has enabled me to earn a six figure income (in catering!) for the past 7 years.

You will have days where it seems nothing is working! This is the norm and you will have to be strong to lose all the negativity that surrounds problems. If you can dust yourself off and pick yourself back up and re-think positively the problem can be turned into a lesson learned………ALL of us, including the Gurus have been in exactly that position. It is only the strong that survive!!

What qualities should you possess in order to succeed in an online business?

Before you go about things, it is also important that you have the right knowledge when it comes to starting an online business. You cannot just take on this task until you have the correct plans in place. The lack of planning will be detrimental when it comes to taking actions into your business.

Starting up any business, whether online or offline, also needs a lot of determination. Although people may say that fate determines how your business would go, you can actually alter the destiny of your success, especially if you are determined in making it successful. It is very important that you take away all the negative vibes that you have and feel confident about what you are about to undergo. Discipline is also needed to become successful in your online business. In an offline business, you will have to get up every morning to visit your establishment to check all is well, most likely being the first to arrive and the last to leave (sound familiar!!). When you have an online business, you can check out any transactions anytime of the day giving you more freedom when it comes to managing your time. (Very important sentence…..!!!)

Please remember the right mindset is important but work is most definately required if you are to succeed.