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Gold and silver are also useful to have as safe havens in troubled times and crises.

It may be true that the United States remains the only superpower in the world, but this does not change the fact that a great number of difficulties and challenges are lying in wait all over the planet.

Any of these situations could blow up with little to no warning. Gold is commonly referred to as the ultimate crisis commodity as it most always offers superior

returns to other types of investments when there are times of great tension

throughout the world. This is because those identical causes that lead other forms of investments to do poorly will simultaneously make the cost of gold go up.

As a case in point, poor economies can destroy banks that are badly run. Banks that go down can cause a whole economy to fall apart. On top of this, today’s global

economy is so tightly integrated that a single country’s banking problems that lead to economic failures can shake or even bring down the economy of the entire


These problems, such as banking crises, also cause the public to lose confidence in paper assets and currencies. When they do this, the place that they look to for a real and reliable safe haven is gold.

As crises like this develop, governments have a bad habit of turning back to their electronic printing presses. By bailing out banks and sinking economies, they only debase the existing currency more. While this is happening, gold is only gaining apace. There can be no doubt that the price of gold always goes up most

significantly as confidence in the government proves to be at its lowest point.

41 - Chapter 3 - The Time Is Right for Precious Metal Investment Profit

The Silver Fortune Formula - How to Make Extraordinary Profits from the Silver Bull Market

Buying gold or silver as a safe haven will do more than simply protect your

dollars and wealth from potential disaster. It will give you peace of mind that you

have taken a proactive step to be prepared.

In acquiring them, you can be sure that you will survive more than potential

inflation. You can rest assured that you and your estate will be ready if the wheels come off of the proverbial geopolitical or global economic cart.

42 - Chapter 3 - The Time Is Right for Precious Metal Investment Profit

The Silver Fortune Formula - How to Make Extraordinary Profits from the Silver Bull Market Chapter 4

The Story of Silver and Why It Is a Better