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Chapter 17 - Arb alert services

I include this chapter for completeness as I have set out to pass on as much information to you about arb hunting and its various facets. Arb alert services are the lazy mans way to finding arbs. There are a number of companies who will claim to be able to find the arbs for you and send you an email or text message with the relevant details i.e. event, bookmakers, prices and how much to stake. All you have to do is place the bets. Clearly for this privilege they expect a fee. This takes the form of an up front payment or on a per arb basis.

There seem to be two distinct ways of finding arbs. Firstly using the manual method and the techniques outlined in this book. Secondly by using software that automatically finds the arbs for you. In arb alert services both methods can have drawbacks.

By using the manual method the information is only as good as the arb hunter. If they lack experience then they will miss large number of arbs. Also it is inevitable that they will bet on the arb themselves before releasing it to their clients. This may or may not cause a delay. It should not however adversely affect the price.

By the time they have bet on the arb themselves typed in the message and sent it to their mailing list valuable minutes will have been lost. On top of that the receiver will either need to be sitting at their screen, logged on, or else they will delay the execution of the arb by several minutes.

The second method of using software to find arbs is much better if it works in that it must be quicker. However it is only as good as the software that has been written and the data i.e. prices being fed into it.

Some arb alert services offer a filtering service so that you only receive arbs at certain times of the day and for particular sports or bookmakers. This is useful as you clearly cannot physically trade arbs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It’s not my place to recommend or issue a wealth warning about these various services. But only to say they can be found trawling the Internet search engines. The free odds comparison sites do in some cases offer arb alert services. Always try to get a free trial before paying any money.

If the arbs they produce are good then they will have no reason not to offer a free service up front to test the quality of the arbs being offered. Clearly if they are profitable then you will want to subscribe to the service.

I would also recommend that any fees are paid monthly, don’t commit to a service for an up front annual fee. The various gambling forums on the web may well be a good starting point for asking about other people’s experiences with the various services.

Caveat emptor, let the buyer beware!
