Traffic Overdrive by Frank Bow - HTML preview

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Traffic Strategy #3: Pay Per Click Marketing


Pay Per Click (PPC) is a short-cut to blasting traffic onto your website, as you can begin to generate traffic within minutes of your advertisement going live. 


You will need a budget of at least $50 to begin advertising your website within PPC marketplaces like Google Adwords, but as long as you closely monitor your campaigns, and split test your ads, you will be able to create high performance campaigns that drive in fresh, quality traffic 24 hours a day – all on complete autopilot!




When it comes to Adwords, the higher your maximum bid, the higher your advertisement placement within the marketplace.  Your daily budget will also reflect how frequent your advertisement appears and based on your overall quality score, you can end up paying less per click for a higher placement within the listings.


Your quality score is determined based on your overall campaigns preformance, so the higher your CTR (click through rate), the lower your cost per click will be.  This means that you need to ensure that you are using highly relevant, targeted keywords within your PPC advertisements.


Your CTR is determined based on the number of clicks that your advertisement receives based on the number of times your ad appeared within the marketplace.


For example, if your advertisement appeared 100 times and only 10 people viewing your ad clicked on your link, your CTR would be determined as 10%.


When it comes to creating your advertisement itself, each ad consists of four main elements:


Advertisement Title, body, Display URL and Destination URL.


You want to focus on action driven titles, so that you are able to capture attention and motivate potential customers to click on your link and explore your website.  Make sure that your titles are relevant and include your primary keywords.


Your ad copy's body needs to speak directly to your target customer, and since you have limited space, you need to use powerful «action words», while limiting uncessary characters. 


Include words like 'Exclusive', 'Revealed', 'Review', 'Caution', 'Powerful', 'Advanced' or 'Special' and eliminate words like 'the, and or it'.


When it comes to PPC, there are a few terms that you should be familiar with, including:

·   CTR which stands for Click Through Rate

·   CPC which stands for Cost Per Click


In order to create an effective PPC marketing campaign, you need to focus on building campaigns that include targeted keywords for your niche, as well as action driven ad copy, titles and body text assigned to each ad block. With Adwords, you are able to create an unlimitednumber of campaigns that target different keywords, or groups.


This is an easy way to set up multiple advertisements and split test campaigns to determine what will produce the best results, just be sure to keep an eye on your overall preformance and consistently monitor your progress, so that you can eliminate ineffective advertisements and minimize your costs.


When it comes to developing the highest converting PPC campaigns, your keyword  research is an important part in ensuring that you are effectively targeting the right  keywords based on your niche market.


These keywords should be highly relevant and speak directly to your potential  customer.


Furthermore, because you are paying for each click to your advertisement, you  want to minimize freebie seekers, by focusing on pre-approving visitors based on your keywords. Avoid using terms like 'free' so that only genuine buyers will click on your ads and visit your website.


When it comes to Adwords, the higher your maximum bid, the higher your  advertisement placement within the marketplace.  Your daily budget will also reflect how frequent your advertisement appears and based on your overall quality score, you can end up paying less per click for a higher placement within the listings.


Your quality score is determined based on your overall campaigns preformance, so the higher your CTR (click through rate), the lower your cost per click will be.


This means that you need to ensure that you are using highly relevant, targeted keywords within your PPC advertisements.


Your CTR is determined based on the number of clicks that your advertisement receives based on the number of times your ad appeared within the marketplace.


For example, if your advertisement appeared 100 times and only 10 people viewing your ad clicked on your link, your CTR would be determined as 10%.


(CTR is defined by the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions).


In order to create your first campaign, log into your Adwords account and click on  'Campaign Management'.




Open up the 'Active Campaign' section of your account and create your first online campaign.  You will be able to choose whether to create a keyword-targeted campaign or a placement targeted campaign.


Placement targeted campaigns are based on specific websites featured within  Google's content network, whereas keyword targeted campaigns are what you'll ultimately want to focus on, which involved targeting specific keyword groups.


In order to maximize overall preformance of your PPC ads, you need to pay attention to the entire structure of your ad block, including title, body and even the URL you use to direct people to your website.


When creating your advertisement within your PPC administration panel, you will need to assign specific keywords to each ad block.


Start off with 5-10 keywords and gradually add in additional keywords as you begin to see progress with your PPC marketing.


When it comes to creating your advertisement itself, each ad consists of four main elements:


Advertisement Title, body, Display URL and Destination URL.




You want to focus on action driven titles, so that you are able to capture attention and motivate potential customers to click on your link and explore your website.  Make sure that your titles are relevant and include your primary keywords.


If you aren't sure where to begin, spend some time evaluating what your competitor's are using and model your advertisements in a similar way.


Just make sure that you are using exceptionally targeted keywords within your title as well as your actual advertisement content (body) as well. 


Highlight the benefits of your product or service, and trim down any unnecessary words as you are restricted to a very small amount of space in which to get your message across.


One final note on the importance of monitoring your overall performance is that in order to ensure that your campaigns are worthwhile, based on the costs involved versus the earnings generated from your exposure, it's important that you keep on top of your overall conversion rates, rather than just your CTR.


Google Adwords offers several tools and resources that will help you evaluate your campaigns and track your progress, so do your best to use these effectively, and get into the habit of consistently testing and tracking your results. Make sure to split test your campaigns, so that you are able to obtain a higher quality score, which will reduce your advertising costs. 


Setting up successful PPC campaigns take practice, but if you take your time, paying careful attention to your ads performance and you learn as much as possible about how Adwords works, and how best to structure and improve your ads, you will quickly see results.


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