Introduction to Compressive Sensing by Marco F. Duarte - HTML preview

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Chapter 1Analog Sampling Theory

1.1The Shannon-Whitaker Sampling Theorem*


The classical theory behind the encoding analog signals into bit streams and decoding bit streams back into signals, rests on a famous sampling theorem which is typically refereed to as the Shannon-Whitaker Sampling Theorem. In this course, this sampling theory will serve as a benchmark to which we shall compare the new theory of compressed sensing.

To introduce the Shannon-Whitaker theory, we first define the class of bandlimited signals. A bandlimited signal is a signal whose Fourier transform only has finite support. We shall denote this class as BA and define it in the following way:


Here, the Fourier transform of f is defined by


This formula holds for any fL1 and extends easily to fL2 via limits. The inversion of the Fourier transform is given by



If fBA, then f can be uniquely determined by the uniformly spaced samples _autogen-svg2png-0010.png and in fact, is given by


where _autogen-svg2png-0012.png.


It is enough to consider A=1, since all other cases can be reduced to this through a simple change of variables. Because fBA=1, the Fourier inversion formula takes the form


Define F(ω) as the 2π periodization of _autogen-svg2png-0018.png,


Because F(ω) is periodic, it admits a Fourier series representation


where the Fourier coefficients cn given by


By comparing (Equation) with (Equation), we conclude that


Therefore by plugging (Equation) back into (Equation), we have that


Now, because


and because of the facts that


we conclude




  1. (Good news) The set _autogen-svg2png-0029.png is an orthogonal system and therefore, has the property that the L2 norm of the function and its Fourier coefficients are related by,


  2. (Bad news) The representation of f in terms of sinc functions is not a stable representation, i.e.


1.2Stable Signal Representations*


To fix the instability of the Shannon representation, we assume that the signal is slightly more bandlimited than before


and instead of using χ[–π,π], we multiply by another function _autogen-svg2png-0003.png which is very similar in form to the characteristic function, but decays at its boundaries in a smoother fashion (i.e. it has more derivatives). A candidate function _autogen-svg2png-0004.png is sketched in Figure 1.1.

Stable Signal Representations
Figure 1.1
Sketch of _autogen-svg2png-0005.png.

Now, it is a property of the Fourier transform that an increased smoothness in one domain translates into a faster decay in the other. Thus, we can fix our instability problem, by choosing _autogen-svg2png-0006.png so that _autogen-svg2png-0007.png is smooth and _autogen-svg2png-0008.png, |ω|≤πδ and _autogen-svg2png-0010.png, |ω|>π. By choosing the smoothness of g suitably large, we can, for any given m≥1, choose g to satisfy


for some constant C>0.

Using such a _autogen-svg2png-0017.png, we can rewrite (???) as


Thus, we have the new representation


where we gain stability from our additional assumption that the signal is bandlimited on [–πδ,πδ].

Does this assumption really hurt? No, not really because if our signal is really bandlimited to [–π,π] and not [–πδ,πδ], we can always take a slightly larger bandwidth, say [–λπ,λπ] where λ is a little larger than one, and carry out the same analysis as above. Doing so, would only mean slightly oversampling the signal (small cost).

Recall that in the end we want to convert analog signals into bit streams. Thus far, we have the two representations


Shannon's Theorem tells us that if fBA, we should sample f at the Nyquist rate A (which is twice the support of _autogen-svg2png-0029.png) and then take the binary representation of the samples. Our more stable representation says to slightly oversample f and then convert to a binary representation. Both representations offer perfect reconstruction, although in the more stable representation, one is straddled with the additional task of choosing an appropriate λ.

In practical situations, we shall be interested in approximating f on an interval [–T,T] for some T>0 and not for all time. Questions we still want to answer include

  1. How many bits do we need to represent f in BA=1 on some interval [–T,T] in the norm L[–T,T]?

  2. Using this methodology, what is the optimal way of encoding?

  3. How is the optimal encoding implemented?

Towards this end, we define


Then for any fBA, we can write


Stable Signal Representations
Figure 1.2
Fourier transform of gλ(·).

In other words, samples at 0, _autogen-svg2png-0043.png, _autogen-svg2png-0044.png are sufficient to reconstruct f. Recall also that _autogen-svg2png-0046.png decays poorly (leading to numerical instability). We can overcome this problem by slight over-sampling. Say we over-sample by a factor λ>1. Then, we can write


Hence we need samples at 0, _autogen-svg2png-0049.png, _autogen-svg2png-0050.png, etc. What is the advantage? Sampling more often than necessary buys us stability because we now have a choice for gλ(·). If we choose gλ(·) infinitely differentiable whose Fourier transform looks as shown in Figure 1.2 we can obtain


and therefore gλ(·) decays very fast. In other words, a sample's influence is felt only locally. Note however, that over-sampling generates basis functions that are redundant (linearly dependent), unlike the integer translates of the sinc(·) function.

Figure 1.3
To reconstruct signals in [–T,T], the sampling interval is [–cT,cT].

If we restrict our reconstruction to t in the interval [–T,T], we will only need samples only from [–cT,cT], for c>1 (see Figure 1.3), because the distant samples will have little effect on the reconstruction in [–T,T].

1.3Optimal Encoding*


We shall consider now the encoding of signals on [–T,T] where T>0 is fixed. Ultimately we shall be interested in encoding classes of bandlimited signals like the class BA However, we begin the story by considering the more general setting of encoding the elements of any given compact subset K of a normed linear space X. One can determine the best encoding of K by what is known as the Kolmogorov entropy of K in X.

To begin, let us consider an encoder-decoder pair (E,D) E maps K to a finite stream of bits. D maps a stream of bits to a signal in X. This is illustrated in Figure 1.4. Note that many functions can be mapped onto the same bitstream.

Optimal Encoding
Figure 1.4
Illustration of encoding and decoding.

Define the distortion d for this encoder-decoder by


Let _autogen-svg2png-0016.png where #Ef is the number of bits in the bitstream Ef. Thus n is the maximum length of the bitstreams for the various fK. There are two ways we can define optimal encoding:

  1. Prescribe ϵ, the maximum distortion that we are willing to tolerate. For this ϵ, find the smallest _autogen-svg2png-0023.png. This is the smallest bit budget under which we could encode all elements of K to distortion ϵ.

  2. Prescribe N : find the smallest distortion d(K,E,D,X) over all E,D with n(K,E)≤N. This is the best encoding performance possible with a prescribed bit budget.

There is a simple mathematical solution to these two encoding problems based on the notion of Kolmogorov Entropy.

1.4Kolmogorov Entropy*


Kolmogorov Entropy
Figure 1.5