Introduction to Statistics by Ewa Paszek - HTML preview

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Chapter 4Tests of Statistical Hypotheses



Tests of statistical hypotheses are a very important topic, let introduce it through an illustration.

Suppose a manufacturer of a certain printed circuit observes that about p=0.05 of the circuits fails. An engineer and statistician working together suggest some changes that might improve the design of the product. To test this new procedure, it was agreed that n=100 circuits would be produced using the proposed method and the checked. Let Y equal the number of these 200 circuits that fail. Clearly, if the number of failures, Y, is such that Y/200 is about to 0.05, then it seems that the new procedure has not resulted in an improvement. On the other hand, If Y is small so that Y/200 is about 0.01 or 0.02, we might believe that the new method is better than the old one. On the other hand, if Y/200 is 0.08 or 0.09, the proposed method has perhaps caused a greater proportion of failures. What is needed is to establish a formal rule that tells when to accept the new procedure as an improvement. For example, we could accept the new procedure as an improvement if Y≤5 of Y/n≤0.025 . We do note, however, that the probability of the failure could still be about p=0.05 even with the new procedure, and yet we could observe 5 of fewer failures in n=200 trials.

That is, we would accept the new method as being an improvement when, in fact, it was not. This decision is a mistake which we call a Type I error. On the other hand, the new procedure might actually improve the product so that p is much smaller, say p=0.02, and yet we could observe y=7 failures so that y/200=0.035. Thus we would not accept the new method as resulting in an improvement when in fact it had. This decision would also be a mistake which we call a Type II error.

If it we believe these trials, using the new procedure, are independent and have about the same probability of failure on each trial, then Y is binomial b( 200,p ) . We wish to make a statistical inference about p using the unbiased _autogen-svg2png-0004.png. We could also construct a confidence interval, say one that has 95% confidence, obtaining _autogen-svg2png-0005.png

This inference is very appropriate and many statisticians simply do this. If the limits of this confidence interval contain 0.05, they would not say the new procedure is necessarily better, al least until more data are taken. If, on the other hand, the upper limit of this confidence interval is less than 0.05, then they fell 95% confident that the true p is now less than 0.05. Here, in this illustration, we are testing whether or not the probability of failure has or has not decreased from 0.05 when the new manufacturing procedure is used.

The no change hypothesis, H0 :p=0.05 , is called the null hypothesis. Since H0 :p=0.05 completely specifies the distribution it is called a simple hypothesis; thus H0 :p=0.05 is a simple null hypothesis.

The research worker’s hypothesis H1 :p<0.05 is called the alternative hypothesis. Since H1 :p<0.05 does not completely specify the distribution, it is a composite hypothesis because it is composed of many simple hypotheses.

The rule of rejecting H0 and accepting H1 if Y≤5 , and otherwise accepting H0 is called a test of a statistical hypothesis.

It is clearly seen that two types of errors can be recorded
  • Type I error: Rejecting H0 and accepting H1, when H0 is true;

  • Type II error: Accepting H0 when H1 is true, that is, when H0 is false.

Since, in the example above, we make a Type I error if Y≤5 when in fact p=0.05. we can calculate the probability of this error, which we denote by α and call the significance level of the test. Under an assumption, it is _autogen-svg2png-0023.png.

Since n is rather large and p is small, these binomial probabilities can be approximated extremely well by Poisson probabilities with λ=200( 0.05 )=10. That is, from the Poisson table, the probability of the Type I error is _autogen-svg2png-0025.png

Thus, the approximate significance level of this test is α=0.067 . This value is reasonably small. However, what about the probability of Type II error in case p has been improved to 0.02, say? This error occurs if Y>5 when, in fact, p=0.02; hence its probability, denoted by β , is _autogen-svg2png-0029.png

Again we use the Poisson approximation, here λ=200(0.02)=4 , to obtain _autogen-svg2png-0031.png

The engineers and the statisticians who created this new procedure probably are not too pleased with this answer. That is, they note that if their new procedure of manufacturing circuits has actually decreased the probability of failure to 0.02 from 0.05 (a big improvement), there is still a good chance, 0.215, that H0 : p=0.05  is accepted and their improvement rejected. Thus, this test of H0 : p=0.05  against H1 : p=0.02  is unsatisfactory. Without worrying more about the probability of the Type II error, here, above was presented a frequently used procedure for testing H0 : p=p 0, where p0 is some specified probability of success. This test is based upon the fact that the number of successes, Y, in n independent Bernoulli trials is such that Y/n has an approximate normal distribution, N[p 0 , p 0 (1- p 0 )/n] , provided H0 : p=p 0 is true and n is large. Suppose the alternative hypothesis is H0 : p>p 0   ; that is, it has been hypothesized by a research worker that something has been done to increase the probability of success. Consider the test of H0 : p=p 0 against H1 : p> p 0 that rejects H0 and accepts H1 if and only if


That is, if Y/n exceeds p0 by standard deviations of Y/n , we reject H0 and accept the hypothesis H1 : p> p 0. Since, under H0 Z is approximately N( 0,1 ) , the approximate probability of this occurring when H0 : p=p 0 is true is α . That is the significance level of that test is approximately α . If the alternative is H1 : p< p 0 instead of H1 : p> p 0, then the appropriate α -level test is given by Z≤−zα. That is, if Y/n is smaller than p0 by standard deviations of Y/n , we accept H1 : p< p 0.

In general, without changing the sample size or the type of the test of the hypothesis, a decrease in α causes an increase in β , and a decrease in β causes an increase in α . Both probabilities α and β of the two types of errors can be decreased only by increasing the sample size or, in some way, constructing a better test of the hypothesis.


If n=100 and we desire a test with significance level α =0.05, then _autogen-svg2png-0071.png means, since _autogen-svg2png-0072.png is N(μ,100/100=1) ,

_autogen-svg2png-0074.png and c−60=1.645 . Thus c=61.645. The power function is


In particular, this means that β at μ =65 is =1−K( μ )=Φ( 61.645−65 )=Φ( −3.355 )≈0; so, with n=100, both α and β have decreased from their respective original values of 0.1587 and 0.0668 when n=25. Rather than guess at the value of n, an ideal power function determines the sample size. Let us use a critical region of the form _autogen-svg2png-0082.png. Further, suppose that we want α =0.025 and, when μ =65, β =0.05. Thus, since _autogen-svg2png-0086.png is N(μ,100/n) ,

_autogen-svg2png-0088.png and _autogen-svg2png-0089.png

That is, _autogen-svg2png-0090.png and _autogen-svg2png-0091.png.

Solving these equations simultaneously for c and _autogen-svg2png-0092.png, we obtain _autogen-svg2png-0093.png _autogen-svg2png-0094.png

Thus, _autogen-svg2png-0095.png and n=51.98 . Since n must be an integer, we would use n=52 and obtain α =0.025 and β =0.05, approximately.

For a number of years there has been another value associated with a statistical test, and most statistical computer programs automatically print this out; it is called the probability value or, for brevity, p-value. The p-value associated with a test is the probability that we obtain the observed value of the test statistic or a value that is more extreme in the direction of the alternative hypothesis, calculated when H0 is true. Rather than select the critical region ahead of time, the p-value of a test can be reported and the reader then makes a decision.

Say we are testing H0μ=60  against H1μ>60 with a sample mean _autogen-svg2png-0102.png based on n=52 observations. Suppose that we obtain the observed sample mean of _autogen-svg2png-0103.png. If we compute the probability of obtaining an _autogen-svg2png-0104.png of that value of 62.75 or greater when μ =60, then we obtain the p-value associated with _autogen-svg2png-0106.png. That is,


If this p-value is small, we tend to reject the hypothesis H0μ=60  . For example, rejection of H0μ=60  if the p-value is less than or equal to 0.025 is exactly the same as rejection if _autogen-svg2png-0110.png.That is, _autogen-svg2png-0111.png has a p-value of 0.025. To help keep the definition of p-value in mind, we note that it can be thought of as that tail-end probability, under H0, of the distribution of the statistic, here _autogen-svg2png-0113.png, beyond the observed value of the statistic. See Figure 1 for the p-value associated with _autogen-svg2png-0114.png

Figure (p_value.gif)
Figure 4.1
The p-value associated with _autogen-svg2png-0115.png
Example 4.1

Suppose that in the past, a golfer’s scores have been (approximately) normally distributed with mean μ =90 and σ2=9. After taking some lessons, the golfer has reason to believe that the mean μ has decreased. (We assume that σ2 is still about 9.) To test the null hypothesis H0μ=90  against the alternative hypothesis H1μ<90  , the golfer plays 16 games, computing the sample mean _autogen-svg2png-0122.png.If _autogen-svg2png-0123.png is small, say _autogen-svg2png-0124.png, then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted; that is, it seems as if the mean μ has actually decreased after the lessons. If c=88.5, then the power function of the test is


Because 9/16 is the variance of _autogen-svg2png-0129.png. In particular, α=K( 90 )=Φ( −2 )=1−0.9772=0.0228.

If, in fact, the true mean is equal to μ =88 after the lessons, the power is K( 88 )=Φ( 2/3 )=0.7475 . If μ =87, then K( 87 )=Φ( 2 )=0.9772 . An observed sample mean of _autogen-svg2png-0135.png has a


and this would lead to a rejection at α =0.0228 (or even α =0.01).