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Try it Now Answers

1. Angle of elevation for the cable is 71.69 degrees and the cable is 73.21 m long

 π

2. Approximately G( t) 66cos

( t 1)



 87

 6

404 Chapter 6

Section 6.5 Exercises

In each of the following triangles, solve for the unknown side and angles.

























Find a possible formula for the trigonometric function whose values are in the following


5. x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

y -2 4 10 4 -2 4 10

6. x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

y 1 -3 -7 -3 1 -3 -7

7. Outside temperature over the course of a day can be modeled as a sinusoidal function.

Suppose you know the high temperature for the day is 63 degrees and the low

temperature of 37 degrees occurs at 5 AM. Assuming t is the number of hours since

midnight, find an equation for the temperature, D, in terms of t.

8. Outside temperature over the course of a day can be modeled as a sinusoidal function.

Suppose you know the high temperature for the day is 92 degrees and the low

temperature of 78 degrees occurs at 4 AM. Assuming t is the number of hours since

midnight, find an equation for the temperature, D, in terms of t.

9. A population of rabbits oscillates 25 above and below an average of 129 during the

year, hitting the lowest value in January ( t = 0).

a. Find an equation for the population, P, in terms of the months since January, t.

b. What if the lowest value of the rabbit population occurred in April instead?

Section 6.5 Modeling with Trigonometric Functions 405

10. A population of elk oscillates 150 above and below an average of 720 during the year,

hitting the lowest value in January ( t = 0).

a. Find an equation for the population, P, in terms of the months since January, t.

b. What if the lowest value of the rabbit population occurred in March instead?

11. Outside temperature over the course of a day can be modeled as a sinusoidal function.

Suppose you know the high temperature of 105 degrees occurs at 5 PM and the

average temperature for the day is 85 degrees. Find the temperature, to the nearest

degree, at 9 AM.

12. Outside temperature over the course of a day can be modeled as a sinusoidal function.

Suppose you know the high temperature of 84 degrees occurs at 6 PM and the

average temperature for the day is 70 degrees. Find the temperature, to the nearest

degree, at 7 AM.

13. Outside temperature over the course of a day can be modeled as a sinusoidal function.

Suppose you know the temperature varies between 47 and 63 degrees during the day

and the average daily temperature first occurs at 10 AM. How many hours after

midnight does the temperature first reach 51 degrees?

14. Outside temperature over the course of a day can be modeled as a sinusoidal function.

Suppose you know the temperature varies between 64 and 86 degrees during the day

and the average daily temperature first occurs at 12 AM. How many hours after

midnight does the temperature first reach 70 degrees?

15. A Ferris wheel is 20 meters in diameter and boarded from a platform that is 2 meters

above the ground. The six o'clock position on the Ferris wheel is level with the

loading platform. The wheel completes 1 full revolution in 6 minutes. How many

minutes of the ride are spent higher than 13 meters above the ground?

16. A Ferris wheel is 45 meters in diameter and boarded from a platform that is 1 meter

above the ground. The six o'clock position on the Ferris wheel is level with the

loading platform. The wheel completes 1 full revolution in 10 minutes. How many

minutes of the ride are spent higher than 27 meters above the ground?

17. The sea ice area around the North Pole fluctuates between about 6 million square

kilometers in September to 14 million square kilometers in March. Assuming

sinusoidal fluctuation, during how many months are there less than 9 million square

kilometers of sea ice?

18. The sea ice area around the South Pole fluctuates between about 18 million square

kilometers in September to 3 million square kilometers in March. Assuming

sinusoidal fluctuation, during how many months are there more than 15 million

square kilometers of sea ice?


406 Chapter 6

19. A respiratory ailment called “Cheyne-Stokes Respiration” causes the volume per

breath to increase and decrease in a sinusoidal manner, as a function of time. For one

particular patient with this condition, a machine begins recording a plot of volume per

breath versus time (in seconds). Let b( t) be a function of time t that tells us the volume (in liters) of a breath that starts at time t. During the test, the smallest volume

per breath is 0.6 liters and this first occurs for a breath that starts 5 seconds into the

test. The largest volume per breath is 1.8 liters and this first occurs for a breath

beginning 55 seconds into the test. [UW]

a. Find a formula for the function b( t) whose graph will model the test data for this


b. If the patient begins a breath every 5 seconds, what are the breath volumes during

the first minute of the test?

20. Suppose the high tide in Seattle occurs at 1:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m, at which time the

water is 10 feet above the height of low tide. Low tides occur 6 hours after high tides.

Suppose there are two high tides and two low tides every day and the height of the

tide varies sinusoidally. [UW]

a. Find a formula for the function y = h( t) that computes the height of the tide above low tide at time t. (In other words, y = 0 corresponds to low tide.)

b. What is the tide height at 11:00 a.m.?

21. A communications satellite orbits the earth t

miles above the surface. Assume the radius

of the earth is 3,960 miles. The satellite can

only “see” a portion of the earth’s surface,

bounded by what is called a horizon circle.

This leads to a two-dimensional cross-

sectional picture we can use to study the size

of the horizon slice: [UW]

a. Find a formula for α in terms of t.

b. If t = 30,000 miles, what is α? What

percentage of the circumference of the

earth is covered by the satellite? What

would be the minimum number of such

satellites required to cover the circumference?

c. If t = 1,000 miles, what is α? What percentage of the circumference of the earth is

covered by the satellite? What would be the minimum number of such satellites

required to cover the circumference?

d. Suppose you wish to place a satellite into orbit so that 20% of the circumference

is covered by the satellite. What is the required distance t?

Section 6.5 Modeling with Trigonometric Functions 407

22. Tiffany is a model rocket enthusiast. She has been working on a pressurized rocket

filled with nitrous oxide. According to her design, if the atmospheric pressure exerted

on the rocket is less than 10 pounds/, the nitrous oxide chamber inside the rocket

will explode. Tiff worked from a formula


14.7 h




pounds/ for the

atmospheric pressure h miles above sea level. Assume that the rocket is launched at

an angle of α above level ground at sea level with an initial speed of 1400 feet/sec.

Also, assume the height (in feet) of the rocket at time t seconds is given by the

equation y ( t)


= 16

t +1400sin (α ) t . [UW]

a. At what altitude will the rocket explode?

b. If the angle of launch is α = 12°, determine the minimum atmospheric pressure

exerted on the rocket during its flight. Will the rocket explode in midair?

c. If the angle of launch is α = 82°, determine the minimum atmospheric pressure

exerted on the rocket during its flight. Will the rocket explode in midair?

d. Find the largest launch angle α so that the rocket will not explode.

408 Chapter 6

Section 7.1 Solving Trigonometric Equations and Identities 409

Chapter 7: Trigonometric Equations and Identities

In the last two chapters we have used basic definitions and relationships to simplify

trigonometric expressions and solve trigonometric equations. In this chapter we will look

at more complex relationships. By conducting a deeper study of trigonometric identities

we can learn to simplify complicated expressions, allowing us to solve more interesting


Section 7.1 Solving Trigonometric Equations with Identities .................................... 409

Section 7.2 Addition and Subtraction Identities ......................................................... 417

Section 7.3 Double Angle Identities ........................................................................... 431

Section 7.4 Modeling Changing Amplitude and Midline ........................................... 442

Section 7.1 Solving Trigonometric Equations with Identities

In the last chapter, we solved basic trigonometric equations. In this section, we explore

the techniques needed to solve more complicated trig equations.

Building from what we already know makes this a much easier task.

Consider the function


f ( x) = 2 x + x . If you were asked to solve f ( x) = 0, it require simple algebra:

2 2

x + x = 0


x(2 x + )

1 = 0

Giving solutions

x = 0 or x = 1


Similarly, for g( t)=sin( t), if we asked you to solve g( t) =0, you can solve this using unit circle values:

sin( t) = 0 for t = ,

0 π , π

2 and so on.

Using these same concepts, we consider the composition of these two functions:

f ( g( t)) = (s

2 in( t))2 + (sin( t)) = 2sin2 ( t) + sin( t)

This creates an equation that is a polynomial trig function. With these types of functions,

we use algebraic techniques like factoring and the quadratic formula, along with

trigonometric identities and techniques, to solve equations.

As a reminder, here are some of the essential trigonometric identities that we have

learned so far:

This chapter is part of Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions © Lippman & Rasmussen 2011.

This material is licensed under a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license.


410 Chapter 7


Pythagorean Identities

cos2 ( t) + sin2 ( t) = 1

1+ cot2 ( t) = csc2 ( t)

1+ tan2 ( t) = sec2 ( t)

Negative Angle Identities

sin( t

− ) = −sin( t)

cos( t

− ) = cos( t)

tan( t

− ) = − tan( t)

csc( t

− ) = −csc( t)

sec( t

− ) = sec( t)

cot( t

− ) = −cot( t)

Reciprocal Identities


sec( t) =


csc( t) =

sin( t)

tan( t) =


cot( t) =

cos( t)

sin( t)

cos( t)

tan( t)

Example 1

Solve 2sin2 ( t) + sin( t) = 0 for all solutions with 0 ≤ t < π

2 .

This equation kind of looks like a quadratic equation, but with sin( t) in place of an

algebraic variable (we often call such an equation “quadratic in sine”). As with all

quadratic equations, we can use factoring techniques or the quadratic formula. This

expression factors nicely, so we proceed by factoring out the common factor of sin( t):

sin( t)(2sin( t) + )

1 = 0

Using the zero product theorem, we know that the product on the left will equal zero if

either factor is zero, allowing us to break this equation into two cases:

sin( t) = 0 or

2sin( t) +1 = 0

We can solve each of these equations independently

sin( t) = 0

From our knowledge of special angles

t = 0 or t = π

2sin( t)+1= 0


sin( t) = −

Again from our knowledge of special angles


t =



t =



Altogether, this gives us four solutions to the equation on 0≤ t < π2 :

7π 11π

t = ,

0 π ,




We could check these

answers are reasonable by

graphing the function and

comparing the zeros.


Section 7.1 Solving Trigonometric Equations and Identities 411

Example 2

Solve 3sec2 ( t) − 5sec( t) − 2 = 0 for all solutions with 0 ≤ t < π

2 .

Since the left side of this equation is quadratic in secant, we can try to factor it, and

hope it factors nicely.

If it is easier to for you to consider factoring without the trig function present, consider

using a substitution u = sec( t) , resulting in 3 2

u − 5 u − 2 = 0, and then try to factor:

3 2

u − 5 u − 2 = 3

( u + )(

1 u − )


Undoing the substitution,


( sec( t) + )

1 (sec( t) − )

2 = 0

Since we have a product equal to zero, we break it into the two cases and solve each


3sec( t)+1=0

Isolate the secant


sec( t) = −

Rewrite as a cosine




= −

Invert both sides

cos( t)


cos( t) = 3

Since the cosine has a range of [-1, 1], the cosine will never take on an output of -3.

There are no solutions to this case.

Continuing with the second case,

sec( t)−2=0

Isolate the secant

sec( t) = 2

Rewrite as a cosine

1 = 2

Invert both sides

cos( t)


cos( t) =

This gives two solutions



t = or

t =



These are the only two solutions on the interval.

By utilizing technology to graph


f ( t) = 3sec ( t) − 5sec( t) − 2, a look at a graph

confirms there are only two zeros for this function

on the interval [0, 2π), which assures us that we

didn’t miss anything.

412 Chapter 7

Try it Now

1. Solve 2sin2 ( t) + 3sin( t) +1 = 0 for all solutions with 0 ≤ t < π

2 .

When solving some trigonometric equations, it becomes necessary to first rewrite the

equation using trigonometric identities. One of the most common is the Pythagorean

Identity, sin2 (θ ) + cos2 (θ ) = 1which allows you to rewrite sin2 (θ ) in terms of cos2 (θ )

or vice versa,



sin (θ ) =1− cos (θ )



cos (θ ) =1− sin (θ )

This identity becomes very useful whenever an equation involves a combination of sine

and cosine functions.

Example 3

Solve 2sin2 ( t) − cos( t) = 1 for all solutions with 0 ≤ t < π

2 .

Since this equation has a mix of sine and cosine functions, it becomes more complicated

to solve. It is usually easier to work with an equation involving only one trig function.

This is where we can use the Pythagorean Identity.

2sin2 ( t) − cos( t) = 1

Using sin2 (θ ) = 1− cos2 (θ )

2(1− cos2 ( t))− cos( t) = 1

Distributing the 2

2 − 2cos2 ( t) − cos( t) = 1

Since this is now quadratic in cosine, we rearrange the equation so one side is zero and


− 2cos2 ( t) − cos( t) +1 = 0

Multiply by -1 to simplify the factoring

2cos2 ( t) + cos( t) −1 = 0


(2cos( t) − )1(cos( t) + )1 = 0

This product will be zero if either factor is zero, so we can break this into two separate

cases and solve each independently.

2cos( t) −1 = 0


cos( t) +1 = 0


cos( t) =


cos( t) = 1



t = or

t =


t = π



Section 7.1 Solving Trigonometric Equations and Identities 413

Try it Now

2. Solve 2sin2 ( t) = 3cos( t) for all solutions with 0 ≤ t < π

2 .

In addition to the Pythagorean Identity, it is often necessary to rewrite the tangent, secant,

cosecant, and cotangent as part of solving an equation.

Example 4

Solve tan( x) = 3sin( x) for all solutions with 0 ≤ x < π

2 .

With a combination of tangent and sine, we might try rewriting tangent

tan( x) = 3sin( x)

sin( x) = 3sin( x)

Multiplying both sides by cosine

cos( x)

sin( x) =3sin( x)cos( x)

At this point, you may be tempted to divide both sides of the equation by sin(x). Resist

the urge. When we divide both sides of an equation by a quantity, we are assuming the

quantity is never zero. In this case, when sin( x) = 0 the equation is satisfied, so we’d

lose those solutions if we divided by the sine.

To avoid this problem, we can rearrange the equation so that one side is zero1.

sin( x) − 3sin( x)cos( x) = 0

Factoring out sin( x) from both parts

sin( x)(1− 3co