Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions by David Lippman and Melonie Rasmussen - HTML preview

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f ( x) = 3+ 5 − x as the composition of two functions.

We are looking for two functions, g and h, so f( x)= g( h( x)). To do this, we look for a function inside a function in the formula for f(x). As one possibility, we might notice



5 − x is the inside of the square root. We could then decompose the function as:


h( x) = 5 − x

g( x) = 3+ x

We can check our answer by recomposing the functions:

g( h( x)) = g(


5 − x )


= 3+ 5 − x

Note that this is not the only solution to the problem. Another non-trivial

decomposition would be


h( x) = x and g( x) = 3+ 5 − x

Important Topics of this Section

Definition of Composition of Functions

Compositions using:





56 Chapter 1

Try it Now Answers

1. The final cost, C, depends on the clearance price, p, which is based on the original

discount, d. (Or the original discount d, determines the clearance price and the final

cost is half of the clearance price.)

2. f ( g(1)) = f (3) = 3

and g( f (3)) = g(3) = 2

3. g( f (2)) = g(5) = 3

4. h( f ( 2)

− ) = h(6) = 20 did you remember to insert your input values using parentheses?

5. g( t − 2) = 3( t − 2) − ( t − 2)


6. f ( g( x)) = f ( x) = ( x) +3( x)

g f x = g ( 3

x + x) = ( 3

( ( ))


x + 3 x)



Section 1.4 Composition of Functions 57

Section 1.4 Exercises

Given each pair of functions, calculate f ( g (0)) and g ( f (0)) .

1. f ( x) = 4 x + 8, g ( x)


= 7 − x

2. f ( x) = 5 x + 7, g ( x)


= 4 − 2 x

3. f ( x) = x + 4 , g ( x)


= 12 − x

4. f ( x)



, g ( x) = 4 x + 3

x + 2

Use the table of values to evaluate each expression

x f ( x)

g( x)

5. f ( g(8))




6. f ( g (5))




7. g( f (5))




8. g ( f (3))







9. f ( f (4))




10. f ( f ( )

1 )




11. g( g(2))







12. g ( g (6))




Use the graphs to evaluate the expressions below.

13. f ( g(3))

14. f ( g ( )

1 )

15. g( f (1))

16. g ( f (0))

17. f ( f (5))

18. f ( f (4))

19. g( g(2))

20. g ( g (0))

For each pair of functions, find f ( g ( x)) and g ( f ( x)). Simplify your answers.

21. f ( x)



, g ( x) 7

= + 6

22. f ( x)



, g ( x) 2

= + 4

x − 6


x − 4


23. f ( x)


= x +1, g ( x) = x + 2

24. f ( x) = x + 2 , g ( x)


= x + 3

58 Chapter 1


25. f ( x) = x , g ( x) = 5 x +1

26. ( ) 3

f x = x , g ( x) x 1




27. If f ( x)



x + 6, g( x)

= x − 6 and h( x)

= x , find f ( g( h( x)))

28. If f ( x)



x +1, ( ) 1

g x = and h( x) =

x + 3 , find f ( g( h( x)))


29. Given functions ( )


p x =

and m( x)



x − 4 , state the domains of the following


functions using interval notation.

p( x)

a. Domain of

m( x)

b. Domain of p( m( x))

c. Domain of m( p( x))

30. Given functions ( )


q x =

and h( x)



x − 9 , state the domains of the following


functions using interval notation.

q( x)

a. Domain of

h( x)

b. Domain of q( h( x))

c. Domain of h( q( x))

31. The function D( p) gives the number of items that will be demanded when the price

is p. The production cost, C( x) is the cost of producing x items. To determine the cost of production when the price is $6, you would do which of the following:

a. Evaluate D( C(6))

b. Evaluate C( D(6))

c. Solve D( C( x)) = 6

d. Solve C( D( p)) = 6

32. The function (

A d) gives the pain level on a scale of 0-10 experienced by a patient

with d milligrams of a pain reduction drug in their system. The milligrams of drug in

the patient’s system after t minutes is modeled by m( t) . To determine when the

patient will be at a pain level of 4, you would need to:

a. Evaluate A( m(4))

b. Evaluate m( A(4))

c. Solve A( m( t)) = 4

d. Solve m( A( d )) = 4

Section 1.4 Composition of Functions 59

33. The radius r, in inches, of a spherical balloon is related to the volume, V, by

3 V

= 3

r( V )

. Air is pumped into the balloon, so the volume after t seconds is given

by V ( t) =10 + 20 t .

a. Find the composite function r ( V ( t))

b. Find the time when the radius reaches 10 inches.

34. The number of bacteria in a refrigerated food product is given by

N ( T )


= 23 T − 56 T +1 , 3 < T < 33, where T is the temperature of the food. When the food is removed from the refrigerator, the temperature is given by T( t) = 5 t +1.5 , where t is the time in hours.

a. Find the composite function N ( T ( t))

b. Find the time when the bacteria count reaches 6752

Find functions f( x) and g( x) so the given function can be expressed as

h( x) = f ( g ( x)).

35. h( x) = ( x + )2


36. h( x) = ( x − )3


37. h( x)



38. h( x)



x − 5

( x + 2)2

39. h( x) = 3+ x − 2

40. h( x)


= 4 + x

41. Let f ( x) be a linear function, with form f ( x) = ax + b for constants a and b. [UW]

a. Show that f ( f ( x)) is a linear function

b. Find a function g( x) such that g ( g ( x)) = 6 x −8

42. Let f ( x) 1

= x + 3 [UW]


a. Sketch the graphs of f ( x), f ( f ( x))

, f ( f ( f (

x))) on the interval −2 ≤ x ≤ 10.

b. Your graphs should all intersect at the point (6, 6). The value x = 6 is called a

fixed point of the function f(x) since f (6) = 6 ; that is, 6 is fixed - it doesn’t move

when f is applied to it. Give an explanation for why 6 is a fixed point for any

function f ( f ( f (... f ( x)...))) .

c. Linear functions (with the exception of f ( x) = x ) can have at most one fixed point. Quadratic functions can have at most two. Find the fixed points of the

function g ( x)


= x − 2 .

d. Give a quadratic function whose fixed points are x = −2 and x = 3.

60 Chapter 1

43. A car leaves Seattle heading east. The speed of the car in mph after m minutes is


given by the function ( )

70 m

C m =

. [UW]


10 + m

a. Find a function m = f ( s) that converts seconds s into minutes m. Write out the formula for the new function C( f ( s)) ; what does this function calculate?

b. Find a function m = g( h ) that converts hours h into minutes m. Write out the formula for the new function C( g( h)) ; what does this function calculate?

c. Find a function z = v( s) that converts mph s into ft/sec z. Write out the formula for the new function v( C( m) ; what does this function calculate?


Section 1.5 Transformation of Functions 61

Section 1.5 Transformation of Functions

Often when given a problem, we try to model the scenario using mathematics in the form

of words, tables, graphs and equations in order to explain or solve it. When building

models, it is often helpful to build off of existing formulas or models. Knowing the basic

graphs of your tool-kit functions can help you solve problems by being able to model

new behavior by adapting something you already know. Unfortunately, the models and

existing formulas we know are not always exactly the same as the ones presented in the

problems we face.

Fortunately, there are systematic ways to shift, stretch, compress, flip and combine

functions to help them become better models for the problems we are trying to solve. We

can transform what we already know into what we need, hence the name,

“Transformation of functions.” When we have a story problem, formula, graph, or table,

we can then transform that function in a variety of ways to form new functions.


Example 1

To regulate temperature in our green building, air flow vents near the roof open and

close throughout the day to allow warm air to escape. The graph below shows the open

vents V (in square feet) throughout the day, t in hours after midnight. During the

summer, the facilities staff decides to try to better regulate temperature by increasing

the amount of open vents by 20 square feet throughout the day. Sketch a graph of this

new function.

We can sketch a graph of this new function by adding 20 to each of the output values of

the original function. This will have the effect of shifting the graph up.


62 Chapter 1

Notice that in the second graph, for each

input value, the output value has

increased by twenty, so if we call the

new function S(t), we could write

S( t) = V ( t) + 20 .

Note that this notation tells us that for

any value of t, S(t) can be found by

evaluating the V function at the same

input, then adding twenty to the result.

This defines S as a transformation of the

function V, in this case a vertical shift

up 20 units.

Notice that with a vertical shift the input values stay the same and only the output

values change.

Vertical Shift

Given a function f(x), if we define a new function g(x) as

g( x) = f ( x) + k , where k is a constant

then g(x) is a vertical shift of the function f(x), where all the output values have been increased by k.

If k is positive, then the graph will shift up

If k is negative, then the graph will shift down

Example 2

A function f(x) is given as a table below. Create a table for the function g( x) = f ( x) − 3

x 2 4 6 8

f(x) 1




The formula g( x) = f ( x) − 3 tells us that we can find the output values of the g function by subtracting 3 from the output values of the f function. For example,

f (2) =1

is found from the given table

g( x) = f ( x) − 3

is our given transformation

g(2) = f (2) − 3 =1− 3 = 2

Subtracting 3 from each f(x) value, we can complete a table of values for g(x)

x 2 4 6 8

g(x) -2






Section 1.5 Transformation of Functions 63

As with the earlier vertical shift, notice the input values stay the same and only the output

values change.

Try it Now

1. The function


h( t) = 4.9

t + 30 t gives the height h of a ball (in meters) thrown

upwards from the ground after t seconds. Suppose the ball was instead thrown from the

top of a 10 meter building. Relate this new height function b(t) to h(t), then find a

formula for b(t).

The vertical shift is a change to the output, or outside, of the function. We will now look

at how changes to input, on the inside of the function, change its graph and meaning.

Example 3

Returning to our building air flow example from the beginning of the section, suppose

that in Fall, the facilities staff decides that the original venting plan starts too late, and

they want to move the entire venting program to start two hours earlier. Sketch a graph

of the new function.

V(t) = the original venting plan F(t) = starting 2 hrs sooner In the new graph, which we can call F(t), at each time, the air flow is the same as the

original function V(t) was two hours later. For example, in the original function V, the

air flow starts to change at 8am, while for the function F(t) the air flow starts to change

at 6am. The comparable function values are V (8) = F(6) .

Notice also that the vents first opened to 220 sq. ft. at 10 a.m. under the original plan,