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2012/12/03 11:59:25 -0600
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function p = psa(h,kk) % p = psa(h,kk) calculates samples of the scaling function % phi(t) = p by kk successive approximations from the % scaling coefficients h. Initial iteration is a constant. % phi_k(t) is plotted at each iteration. csb 5/19/93 % if nargin==1, kk=11; end; % Default number of iterations h2= h*2/sum(h); % normalize h(n) K = length(h2)-1; S = 128; % Sets sample density p = [ones(1,3*S*K),0]/(3*K); % Sets initial iteration P = p(1:K*S); % Store for later plotting axis([0 K*S+2 -.5 1.4]); hu = upsam(h2,S); % upsample h(n) by S for iter = 0:kk % Successive approx. p = dnsample(conv(hu,p)); % convolve and down-sample plot(p); pause; % plot each iteration % P = [P;p(1:K*S)]; % store each iter. for plotting end p = p(1:K*S); % only the supported part L = length(p); x = ([1:L])/(S); axis([0 3 -.5 1.4]); plot(x,p); % Final plot title('Scaling Function by Successive Approx.'); ylabel('Scaling Function'); xlabel('x');
function p = pdyad(h,kk) % p = pdyad(h,kk) calculates approx. (L-1)*2^(kk+2) samples of the % scaling function phi(t) = p by kk+3 dyadic expansions % from the scaling coefficient vector h where L=length(h). % Also plots phi_k(t) at each iteration. csb 5/19/93 % if nargin==1, kk = 8; end % Default iterations h2 = h*2/sum(h); % Normalize N = length(h2); hr = h2(N:-1:1); hh = h2; axis([0,N-1,-.5,1.4]); MR = [hr,zeros(1,2*N-2)]; % Generater row for M0 MT = MR; M0 = []; for k = 1:N-1 % Generate convolution and MR = [0, 0, MR(1:3*N-4)]; % downsample matrix from h(n) MT = [MT; MR]; end M0 = MT(:,N:2*N-1); % M0*p = p if p samples of phi MI = M0 - eye(N); MJ = [MI(1:N-1,:);ones(1,N)]; pp = MJ\[zeros(N-1,1);1]; % Samples of phi at integers p = pp(2:length(pp)-1).'; x = [0:length(p)+1]*(N-1)/(length(p)+1); plot(x,[0,p,0]); pause p = conv(h2,p); % value on half integers x = [0:length(p)+1]*(N-1)/(length(p)+1); plot(x,[0,p,0]); pause y = conv(h2,dnsample(p)); % convolve and downsample p = merge(y,p); % interleave values on Z and Z/2 x = [0:length(p)+1]*(N-1)/(length(p)+1); plot(x,[0,p,0]); pause for k = 1:kk hh = upsample(hh); % upsample coefficients y = conv(hh,y); % calculate intermediate terms p = merge(y,p); % insert new terms between old x = [0:length(p)+1]*(N-1)/(length(p)+1); plot(x,[0,p,0]); pause; end title('Scaling Function by Dyadic Expansion'); ylabel('Scaling Function'); xlabel('x'); axis;
function [hf,ht] = pf(h,kk) % [hf,ht] = pf(h,kk) computes and plots hf, the Fourier transform % of the scaling function phi(t) using the freq domain % infinite product formulation with kk iterations from the scaling % function coefficients h. Also calculates and plots ht = phi(t) % using the inverse FFT csb 5/19/93 if nargin==1, kk=8; end % Default iterations L = 2^12; P = L; % Sets number of sample points hp = fft(h,L); hf = hp; % Initializes iteration plot(abs(hf));pause; % Plots first iteration for k = 1:kk % Iterations hp = [hp(1:2:L), hp(1:2:L)]; % Sample hf = hf.*hp/sqrt(2); % Product plot(abs(hf(1:P/2)));pause; % Plot Phi(omega) each iteration P=P/2; % Scales axis for plot end; ht = real(ifft(hf)); % phi(t) from inverse FFT ht = ht(1:8*2^kk); plot(ht(1:6*2^kk)); % Plot phi(t)
function hn = daub(N2) % hn = daub(N2) % Function to compute the Daubechies scaling coefficients from % her development in the paper, "Orthonormal bases of compactly % supported wavelets", CPAM, Nov. 1988 page 977, or in her book % "Ten Lectures on Wavelets", SIAM, 1992 pages 168, 216. % The polynomial R in the reference is set to zero and the % minimum phase factorization is used. % Not accruate for N > 20. Check results for long h(n). % Input: N2 = N/2, where N is the length of the filter. % Output: hn = h(n) length-N min phase scaling fn coefficients % by rag 10/10/88, csb 3/23/93 a = 1; p = 1; q = 1; % Initialization of variables hn = [1 1]; % Initialize factors of zeros at -1 for j = 1:N2-1, hn = conv(hn,[1,1]); % Generate polynomial for zeros at -1 a = -a*0.25*(j+N2-1)/j; % Generate the binomial coeff. of L p = conv(p,[1,-2,1]); % Generate variable values for L q = [0 q 0] + a*p; % Combine terms for L end; q = sort(roots(q)); % Factor L hn = conv(hn,real(poly(q(1:N2-1)))); % Combine zeros at -1 and L hn = hn*sqrt(2)/(sum(hn)); % Normalize
function h = h246(a,b) % h = h246(a,b) generates orthogonal scaling function % coefficients h(n) for lengths 2, 4, and 6 using % Resnikoff's parameterization with angles a and b. % csb. 4/4/93 if a==b, h = [1,1]/sqrt(2); % Length-2 elseif b==0 h0 = (1 - cos(a) + sin(a))/2; % Length-4 h1 = (1 + cos(a) + sin(a))/2; h2 = (1 + cos(a) - sin(a))/2; h3 = (1 - cos(a) - sin(a))/2; h = [h0 h1 h2 h3]/sqrt(2); else % Length-6 h0 = ((1+cos(a)+sin(a))*(1-cos(b)-sin(b))+2*sin(b)*cos(a))/4; h1 = ((1-cos(a)+sin(a))*(1+cos(b)-sin(b))-2*sin(b)*cos(a))/4; h2 = (1+cos(a-b)+sin(a-b))/2; h3 = (1+cos(a-b)-sin(a-b))/2; h4 = (1-h0-h2); h5 = (1-h1-h3); h = [h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5]/sqrt(2); end
function [a,b] = ab(h) % [a,b] = ab(h) calculates the parameters a and b from the % scaling function coefficient vector h for orthogonal % systems of length 2, 4, or 6 only. csb. 5/19/93. % h = h*2/sum(h); x=0; % normalization if length(h)==2, h = [0 0 h 0 0]; x=2; end; if length(h)==4, h = [0 h 0]; x=4; end; a = atan2((2*(h(1)^2+h(2)^2-1)+h(3)+h(4)),(2*h(2)*(h(3)-1)-2*h(1)*(h(4)-1))); b = a - atan2((h(3)-h(4)),(h(3)+h(4)-1)); if x==2, a = 1; b = 1; end; if x==4, b = 0; end;
function y = upsample(x) % y = upsample(x) inserts zeros between each term in the row vector x. % for example: [1 0 2 0 3 0] = upsample([1 2 3]). csb 3/1/93. L = length(x); y(:) = [x;zeros(1,L)]; y = y.'; y = y(1:2*L-1);
function y = upsam(x,S) % y = upsam(x,S) inserts S-1 zeros between each term in the row vector x. % for example: [1 0 2 0 3 0] = upsample([1 2 3]). csb 3/1/93. L = length(x); y(:) = [x;zeros(S-1,L)]; y = y.'; y = y(1:S*L-1);
function y = dnsample(x) % y = dnsample(x) samples x by removing the even terms in x. % for example: [1 3] = dnsample([1 2 3 4]). csb 3/1/93. L = length(x); y = x(1:2:L);
function z = merge(x,y) % z = merge(x,y) interleaves the two vectors x and y. % Example [1 2 3 4 5] = merge([1 3 5],[2 4]). % csb 3/1/93. % z = [x;y,0]; z = z(:); z = z(1:length(z)-1).';
function w = wave(p,h) % w = wave(p,h) calculates and plots the wavelet psi(t) % from the scaling function p and the scaling function % coefficient vector h. % It uses the definition of the wavelet. csb. 5/19/93. % h2 = h*2/sum(h); NN = length(h2); LL = length(p); KK = round((LL)/(NN-1)); h1u = upsam(h2(NN:-1:1).*cos(pi*[0:NN-1]),KK); w = dnsample(conv(h1u,p)); w = w(1:LL); xx = [0:LL-1]*(NN-1)/(LL-1); axis([1 2 3 4]); axis; plot(xx,w);
function g = dwt(f,h,NJ) % function g = dwt(f,h,NJ); Calculates the DWT of periodic g % with scaling filter h and NJ scales. rag & csb 3/17/94. % N = length(h); L = length(f); c = f; t = []; if nargin==2, NJ = round(log10(L)/log10(2)); end; % Number of scales h0 = fliplr(h); % Scaling filter h1 = h; h1(1:2:N) = -h1(1:2:N); % Wavelet filter for j = 1:NJ % Mallat's algorithm L = length(c); c = [c(mod((-(N-1):-1),L)+1) c]; % Make periodic d = conv(c,h1); d = d(N:2:(N+L-2)); % Convolve & d-sample c = conv(c,h0); c = c(N:2:(N+L-2)); % Convolve & d-sample t = [d,t]; % Concatenate wlet coeffs. end; g = [c,t]; % The DWT
function f = idwt(g,h,NJ) % function f = idwt(g,h,NJ); Calculates the IDWT of periodic g % with scaling filter h and NJ scales. rag & csb 3/17/94. % L = length(g); N = length(h); if nargin==2, NJ = round(log10(L)/log10(2)); end; % Number of scales h0 = h; % Scaling filter h1 = fliplr(h); h1(2:2:N) = -h1(2:2:N); % Wavelet filter LJ = L/(2^NJ); % Number of SF coeffs. c = g(1:LJ); % Scaling coeffs. for j = 1:NJ % Mallat's algorithm w = mod(0:N/2-1,LJ)+1; % Make periodic d = g(LJ+1:2*LJ); % Wavelet coeffs. cu(1:2:2*LJ+N) = [c c(1,w)]; % Up-sample & periodic du(1:2:2*LJ+N) = [d d(1,w)]; % Up-sample & periodic c = conv(cu,h0) + conv(du,h1); % Convolve & combine c = c(N:N+2*LJ-1); % Periodic part LJ = 2*LJ; end; f = c; % The inverse DWT
function r = mod(m,n) % r = mod(m,n) calculates r = m modulo n % r = m - n*floor(m/n); % Matrix modulo n
function g = dwt5(f,h,NJ) % function g = dwt5(f,h,NJ) % Program to calculate the DWT from the L samples of f(t) in % the vector f using the scaling filter h(n). % csb 3/20/94 % N = length(h); c = f; t = []; if nargin==2 NJ = round(log10(L)/log10(2)); % Number of scales end; h1 = h; h1(1:2:N) = -h1(1:2:N); % Wavelet filter h0 = fliplr(h); % Scaling filter for j = 1:NJ % Mallat's algorithm L = length(c); d = conv(c,h1); % Convolve c = conv(c,h0); % Convolve Lc = length(c); while Lc > 2*L % Multi-wrap? d = [(d(1:L) + d(L+1:2*L)), d(2*L+1:Lc)]; % Wrap output c = [(c(1:L) + c(L+1:2*L)), c(2*L+1:Lc)]; % Wrap output Lc = length(c); end d = [(d(1:N-1) + d(L+1:Lc)), d(N:L)]; % Wrap output d = d(1:2:L); % Down-sample wlets coeffs. c = [(c(1:N-1) + c(L+1:Lc)), c(N:L)]; % Wrap output c = c(1:2:L); % Down-sample scaling fn c. t = [d,t]; % Concatenate wlet coeffs. end % Finish wavelet part g = [c,t]; % Add scaling fn coeff.
function a = choose(n,k) % a = choose(n,k) % BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS % allowable inputs: % n : integer, k : integer % n : integer vector, k : integer % n : integer, k : integer vector % n : integer vector, k : integer vector (of equal dimension) nv = n; kv = k; if (length(nv) == 1) & (length(kv) > 1) nv = nv * ones(size(kv)); elseif (length(nv) > 1) & (length(kv) == 1) kv = kv * ones(size(nv)); end a = nv; for i = 1:length(nv) n = nv(i); k = kv(i); if n >= 0 if k >= 0 if n >= k c = prod(1:n)/(prod(1:k)*prod(1:n-k)); else c = 0; end else c = 0; end else if k >= 0 c = (-1)^k * prod(1:k-n-1)/(prod(1:k)*prod(1:-n-1)); else if n >= k c = (-1)^(n-k)*prod(1:-k-1)/(prod(1:n-k)*prod(1:-n-1)); else c = 0; end end end a(i) = c; end