Waves and Optics by Paul Padley - HTML preview

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Chapter 7Optics

7.1The Huygens-Fresnel Principle*

The Huygens-Fresnel Principle

In order to proceed with the discussion we have to define two terms. A wave front is the surface of constant phase. In a plane wave these are planes and in a spherical wave these are spheres. A ray travels perpendicular to the fronts.

Huygens postulated that as a wave propagates through a medium each point on the advancing wavefront acts as a new point source of the wave. This is correct physics for the water waves but not for light waves. However the Helmholtz equation for diffraction of EM waves gives a solution identical to that give by Huygens' principle.

Look at the figure which shows a wavefront AB coming to a surface and is reflected creating the front CD. The point A hits the surface first. The point B hits a time vt later. During that time a spherical wave is emitted from A and travels a distance vt . In fact this happens for every point along the wavefront. The next figure attempts to show how a number of waves line up along the line DC and that this is perpendicular to the line AD.

Figure (Huygens-Reflection.png)
Figure 7.1

Figure (Huygens-Reflection-II.png)
Figure 7.2

From this we see that _autogen-svg2png-0003.pngand _autogen-svg2png-0004.png so θi = θr

For refraction a similar thing happens. See figure (geometric optics / Huygens refraction.vsd )

Figure (Huygens-Refraction.png)
Figure 7.3

In this case the velocities are different in the two media and so one obtains: _autogen-svg2png-0006.pngand _autogen-svg2png-0007.pngwhich then can be rearranged _autogen-svg2png-0008.pngor rearranging some more _autogen-svg2png-0009.pngor _autogen-svg2png-0010.pngfinally nt sin θt = ni sin θiwhich is Snell's law. Now note that normally one uses rays, in which case the angles are measured w.r.t. the normal to the surface.

7.2Fermat's Principle of Least Time*

Fermat's principle of least time

Fermat postulated that rays of light follow the path that takes the least time. This is a very profound idea! There is something very deep in it. It also gives the experimentally observed results! Lets apply it to reflection and see what results:

Figure (Fermat-Reflection.png)
Figure 7.4

We want to find the length (which is the same as time times the speed) AEB. To do this we construct a fake point B' which is on the other side of the surface the same perpendicular distance from the surface such that the line BB' is a perpendicular to the surface. Then clearly the length AEB equals the length AEB'. So which point on the surface gives the shortest path to B, the one that gives the shortest path to B' and that clearly lies on the straight line AB'. I have labeled this point C.

Now clearly θr = θr and also θr = θi so we get θr = θi

Now lets apply Fermat's principle to refraction. Look at the next figure:

Figure (Fermat-Refraction.png)
Figure 7.5

We want the shortest time from A to B. Clearly that is _autogen-svg2png-0004.png To find the minimum we want to solve for x such that _autogen-svg2png-0006.png Thus _autogen-svg2png-0007.pngwhich is obviously _autogen-svg2png-0008.pngor Snell's law nt sin θt = ni sin θi

If light travels via many different media then the time is _autogen-svg2png-0010.pngor we can rewrite this as _autogen-svg2png-0011.pngThe quantity _autogen-svg2png-0012.png is the optical path length ( OPL ) . For a continuously varying medium then the summation becomes (for light traveling from S to P ) OPL = ∫SPn ( s ) ⅆ s Fermat's principle could be restated that we minimize the OPL In fact this is inadequate, for example one can construct an example where the optical path length is not the minimum.(See for example figure 4.37 in the book "Optics" by Hecht (Fourth Edition).The correct statement of Fermat's principle is that there is a stationary point in the optical path length. (Ie. its derivative is zero).

7.3Electromagnetism at an Interface*

EM at an interface

We want to understand with Electromagnetism what happens at a surface. From Maxwell's equations we can understand what happens to the components of the _autogen-svg2png-0001.png and _autogen-svg2png-0002.png fields: First lets look at the _autogen-svg2png-0003.png field using Gauss' law. Recall _autogen-svg2png-0004.png

Figure (Gauss-E-at-interface_small.png)
Figure 7.6

Consider the diagram, the field on the incident side is _autogen-svg2png-0005.png. On the transmission side, the field is _autogen-svg2png-0006.png. We can collapse the cylinder down so that it is a pancake with an infinitely small height. When we do this there are no field lines through the side of the cylinder. Thus there is only a flux through the top and the bottom of the cylinder and we have; _autogen-svg2png-0007.png I have set ρV = 0 since we will only consider cases without free charges. So we have εiEi + εiEr = εtEt if _autogen-svg2png-0010.png is a unit vector normal to the surface this can be written _autogen-svg2png-0011.png

Similarly Gauss' law of Magnetism _autogen-svg2png-0012.png gives Bi + Br = Bt or _autogen-svg2png-0014.png

Amperes law can also be applied to an interface.Then

Figure (Ampere-B-at-interface_small.png)
Figure 7.7

_autogen-svg2png-0015.png (note that in this case _autogen-svg2png-0016.png is perpendicular to the page)

Now we will not consider cases with surface currents. Also we can shrink the vertical ends of the loop so that the area of the box is 0 so that _autogen-svg2png-0017.png. Thus we get at a surface_autogen-svg2png-0018.pngor _autogen-svg2png-0019.png

Similarly we can use Faraday's law _autogen-svg2png-0020.png and play the same game with the edges to get Ei + Er = Et or _autogen-svg2png-0022.png (notice ε does not appear)

In summary we have derived what happens to the _autogen-svg2png-0024.png and _autogen-svg2png-0025.png fields at the interface between two media:_autogen-svg2png-0026.png




7.4Snell's Law*

Snell's Law

Consider an electromagnetic wave impinging upon an interface: _autogen-svg2png-0001.png Where _autogen-svg2png-0002.png describes the incoming wave, _autogen-svg2png-0003.png the reflected wave, and _autogen-svg2png-0004.png the transmitted wave. At the interface (ie. at points where the vector _autogen-svg2png-0005.png points to the plane of the interface), all the waves must be in phase with each other. This means that the frequencies must all be equal and there can be no arbitrary phase between the waves. The net result of this is that we must have (for an interface passing through the origin): _autogen-svg2png-0006.png from which we get ki sin θi = kr sin θr .

It is important to note now that we are doing this at the interface. We have chosen a coordinate system so that the interface is at y = 0 and contains the origin. This implies that the vector _autogen-svg2png-0009.png is lying in the plane of the interface at the point where we say that the above is true.

Finally, since the incident and reflected waves are in the same medium we must have ki = kr and thus θi = θrAlso, we get that _autogen-svg2png-0012.png all line in a plane (because _autogen-svg2png-0013.png defines a plane). We also have _autogen-svg2png-0014.pngand following the same arguments find that _autogen-svg2png-0015.png all line in a plane and that ki sin θi = kt sin θt . Now we know that ωi = ωt so we can multiply both sides by c / ωi and get ni sin θi = nt sin θt

Digression, further justifying the above

At the interface, which we will set to y = 0 for convenience (you can always switch back to any coordinate system afterwards. It is good practice to choose the coordinate system that makes your problem easy) _autogen-svg2png-0021.png now this must be true for all _auto			</div>
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