Waves and Optics by Paul Padley - HTML preview

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Chapter 8Geometric Optics

8.1Refraction at a Spherical Interface*

Figure (RefractionAtConvexSphere.png)
Figure 8.1
Refraction at a spherical interface. Click on image for larger version.

Look at the figure showing refraction at a sphere.In this figure:

  • C is the center of curvature of the spherical surface

  • R is the radius of curvature

  • O is the position of the Object

  • I is the position of the Image

  • So is the distance of the object from the surface along the optical axis

  • Si is the distance from the surface to the Image

  • n1 < n 2

There is a ray that strikes the surface at height h. In general rays hitting the surface at different points will be bent to different points along the optical axis. However for small angles we will show they all converge at the same point.So lets use the small angle approximation_autogen-svg2png-0004.png_autogen-svg2png-0005.png_autogen-svg2png-0006.png Now from trigonometry we can see that: θi = α + γ γ = θt + β or θt = γβ now Snell's law says n1 sin θi = n2 sin θt or n1θin2θt n1 ( α + γ ) = n2 ( γβ ) γ ( n2n1 ) = n2β + n1α _autogen-svg2png-0014.png Now all the h 's cancel so there is no dependence on point on surface. That is: _autogen-svg2png-0016.png Now lets consider the case of a concave surface. The picture is

Figure (refraction-at-sphere-Fixed.png)
Figure 8.2
Click to get larger image.

Again we use the small angle approximation and thus we have n1θ1 = n2θ2 In this case we also see that α = θ1 + γ and β = θ2 + γ so we can write n1 ( αγ ) = n2 ( βγ ) or _autogen-svg2png-0021.png or _autogen-svg2png-0022.png

However we can make the equation identical to the previous one if we adopt the following sign convention:

  • so is positive to the left of the interface

  • si is positive to the right of the interface

  • R is positive when the center of the sphere is to the right of the interface

Then the equation becomes as before _autogen-svg2png-0026.png

In this case note that the image is imaginary (whereas in the first case it was real). Note that the actual rays pass through a real image.

The focal point is the object point which causes the image to occur at infinity.

Figure (refract_small.png)
Figure 8.3

That is all the rays end up traveling parallel to each other. In this case si goes to so _autogen-svg2png-0029.png becomes _autogen-svg2png-0030.png or _autogen-svg2png-0031.png

Now we can find a focal point to the right of the of the surface by considering parallel rays coming in from the left.

Figure (refract_fi_small.png)
Figure 8.4

Then we get _autogen-svg2png-0032.png But we do have to expand our sign conventionfor light incident from the left

  • so is positive to the left of the interface

  • si is positive to the right of the interface

  • R is positive when the center of the sphere is to the right of the interface

  • fo is positive to the left of the interface

  • fi is positive to the right of the interface

With the definition of focal points, we also have a natural way to graphically solve optical problems. Any ray drawn horizontally from the left side of the interface will pass through the focal point on the right. Any ray going through the focal point on the left will go horizontally on the right. The following figure illustrates this.

Figure (RayDrawingAtSphere.png)
Figure 8.5

The magnification of the image is the ratio of the heights ho to hi.

Figure (MagnificationAtSphere.png)
Figure 8.6

Since we are using the small angle approximation, we have Snell's law n1θ1 = n2θ2 which can be rewritten _autogen-svg2png-0041.png So we write that the magnification is _autogen-svg2png-0042.png The negative sign is introduced to capture the fact that the image is inverted. It is worth pointing out that in our diagram above, the image is real, because the actual light rays pass through it.

8.2Thin Lens*

Now we can turn to the case of lenses. A lens can be considered the combination of two spherical interfaces. To solve an optical problem using multiple interfaces or lenses, one considers each one by one. For example one finds the image created by the first surface and then uses it as the object of the second surface.

Figure (thin-lens.png)
Figure 8.7

Consider a lens of thickness d as shown in the drawing. At interface 1 (coloured red in the drawing) we have _autogen-svg2png-0002.pngFor surface 2 (coloured blue) the image of the the first surface becomes the object of the second. Note the sign of so2 is negative so that so2 = dsi1Thus _autogen-svg2png-0005.pngbecomes _autogen-svg2png-0006.pngNow add the equations _autogen-svg2png-0007.png

Now we take the thin lens case,that is d → 0 _autogen-svg2png-0012.pngThat equation would work for making prescription swim goggles for example, however most of the time n1 = n3 (namely air for eyeglasses). So making that the case we get _autogen-svg2png-0014.pngwhich in the case of air (n=1) is _autogen-svg2png-0015.pngThat is The lensmaker's formula(where nl is the index of refraction of the lens material)Now we can find the foci _autogen-svg2png-0017.png_autogen-svg2png-0018.pngWhich we see from the lensmaker's formula must be the same so lets drop the subscripts: _autogen-svg2png-0019.pngand _autogen-svg2png-0020.pngwhich is the Gaussian Lens Formula

A convex lens will have a positive focal length f .

Figure (convexLens.png)
Figure 8.8

We can use the same equation as before for the magnification, _autogen-svg2png-0022.pngbut now note that n1 = n2 so the equation becomes

_autogen-svg2png-0024.pngYou can examine the figure above to verify that this is true.

We can also consider a concave lens which has a negative focal length. Notice that in this case the image is upright and virtual. Notice that in this case si is negative.

Figure (ConcaveLens.png)
Figure 8.9


Figure (ReflectionAtConvexSphere.png)
Figure 8.10

Notice that in Mirrors we get a virtual image to the right of the surface. Thus for mirrors we say that si is positive to the left of the mirror. This allows to retain correspondence between si being negative and an image being virtual.

Again we use the small angle approximation. By inspection of the figure we see that 2 θi = α + β and θi = α + γ . Now we multiply the second equation by two and subtract the first equation from it and we get: 2 α + 2 γαβ = 0 or αβ = − 2 γ . Using the small angle approximation we see that this is _autogen-svg2png-0007.pngwhere I have used the fact that si is negative to the right of the mirror. So I can write the mirror equation as _autogen-svg2png-0009.pngor _autogen-svg2png-0010.pngwhere for a mirror 1 / f = − 2 / R


First a little nomenclature. Optometrists (and opthamologists) use the dioptric power measured in diopters. A diopter is 1 / f where f is measured in meters. The focal length of lenses in contact is _autogen-svg2png-0002.png or using dioptric power D = D1 + D2 A "normal" eye will focus an object at infinity onto the r