Endocrine Physiology: 100-Questions and Explanatory Answers for Students


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Book Description

This book contains 100 multiple choice questions distributed into 10 chapters (10 questions for each chapter). The chapters included in this book are:Chapter 1: Introduction to the endocrine systemChapter 2: Hormone ReceptorsChapter 3: Hypothalamus and posterior pituitary hormonesChapter 4: Anterior pituitary - Growth hormone and prolactinChapter 5: Adrenal glandChapter 6: Thyroid glandChapter 7: Reproductive hormonesChapter 8: PancreasChapter 9: Parathyroid glandChapter 10: Miscellaneous hormonesThis book's multiple-choice questions have been extensively prepared to emphasize the relative significance of the various endocrine glands and to act as a foundational source for endocrine physiology.

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Dr. Mustafa Fadil Mohammed

I am Dr. Mustafa a senior lecturer in physiology. I have been teaching for almost 15 years. I have developed and presented weekly lectures, practicals, facilitated discussion sections, and created and updated course materials. As a lecturer, I help create course outlines, create lectures, and create assessments covering the medical physiology materials.

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